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Satisfaction-Bliss Energy - Naad Light

Meditationtime Forum Post

Date:  Posted 3 years before Jan 02, 2016


MiBeloved 3 years ago

Breath infusion practice this morning was good. I was again hard at it, trying to comply with Tibeti Yogi’s instruction for bringing the buddhi intellect organ down into the lower trunk of the body, to be there with kundalini.


This practice takes tons of concentration since one has to do that while doing rapid breathing in various asana postures and one has to focus fully within. I am using a full head mask blindfold while doing these exercises so that the eyes do not cause the intellect to wander around. I am not going to pretend that I am some great yogi who is not disturbed by sensual disturbances. I am and I am going to take whatever precautions I can to offset that.


During practice, Tibeti Yogi sent a message telling me that the second Sutra of Patanjali described the buddhi yoga process Krishna explained to Arjuna in chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita. He did not give details or particular verses.


Actually I knew all along that chapter 2 of the Gita was it, in the sense that the whole kriya practice is in that chapter and I explained this in my book Kriya Yoga Bhagavad Gita. Of course that book was inspired by Babaji, so the credit for the discovery is actually his.


I never considered the connection to the yogah cittavritti nirodhah statement of Patanjali. However it makes sense because the stopping of the vrittis of chitta really means shutting down one psychic organ which is the buddhi intellect organ and that is what Krishna discussed in chapter two with Arjuna. Krishna named the process buddhi yoga.



Tibeti yogi sent another message which was that the system does that anyway, especially in sex indulgence.


He was speaking here of moving the buddhi down into the lower trunk of the body. In sexual indulgence the buddhi organ is actually relocated down in the genitals, especially during sexual climax. Thus the idea of moving the buddhi intellect down into the body while doing breath infusion may sound strange and unnatural but really the system is doing that on its own during sex instinct and also if there is damage to the lower part of the body, one is forced by the pain of it, to shift one’s attention down there. A woman carrying a fetus also has to shift her attention there.


Thus the system is not that weird after all.


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