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Reaction to Video on African Development

Angola’s infrastructure boom


Very interesting that an African country is using its resources to finance projects that actually benefit the people. The wealth has not lacked generally, but endemic corruption and mismanagement have typically resulted in more issues than solution towards development.


That region of Southern African has been a victim of major civil wars since their independence. It seems that they are getting a hold of themselves eventually. Besides as it becomes more difficult to migrate, they are seeing dormant possibilities they can tap into right there at home. in addition, as more Africans with overseas business sense and lifestyle return, their influence is spreading around. This includes yoga, Yoga Inside Africa.


These sorts of developments are happening here and there and more and more on the old continent. However, the Chinese were the ones who were greedily bargaining such major projects. Perhaps Africans realized the shoddy qualities they were ending with, and definitely the Chinese do not engage local population.


When I was in Mali two decades ago I had heard the story of the discovery of gold in the region of Kalana. The Chinese were to help extract it, they said that one of their workers had died in the mine and the body needed to be sent back in a casquet. The authorities were tipped off on what was taking place, demanded that the container be opened before the flight at the airport and found it filled with gold!


The Chinese entrepreneurs had built the second largest bridge in Mali over the Niger river around the same time. The previous one, the first one was in such a condition that anything else could be appreciated. There were back then difficulties negotiating another contract to extract the gold, and in the meantime the surrounding region attracted all types of social ills as folks flocked to take their chances at sudden fortune.  


Another example of new entrepreneurship among others:  Nigeria Eko Atlantic General Progress


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