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Reaction to Rudy Giulliani U-tube post

Thank you for posting this very interesting and revealing utube video interview post by Mi~Beloved.


Indeed, NY before Giuliani is very different from what it is later. Even before coming to the US I was aware of the crimes and graffiti rampant in that city. By the time I moved to live in the Bronx by 2000, I felt very save walking around the borrows at any hours of day or night. For me, far safer than Philly, PA where I went to college.


And he says he was just celebrated in DC for reducing crimes in Medellin, Brazil. Crime in Brazil should be a great embarrassment, and anyone able to do something about it has a keen insight on the needed solutions. It is easy to understand that government around the world would solicit his expertise. The "I work for them and not represent them" does me no difference.


Of course, his tac-tics may not preferred in-spite of the results that speak for themselves. NY is safer at the expense of a vibrant set of subcultures that made NY special and different from any other place, and that set the stage for much of the American ideal and image for glamour and celebrity. And, does order have to be afforded at the expense of the more vulnerable, who may be acting the way they do for a reason. 

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