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Prana Series-2: Prana Vision→ Its importance & method !

Prana is a Sanskrit word (प्राणprāṇa) which means subtle breath energy.

Other meanings like vital force, breath, and respiration are used based on various contexts, but here the word "prana" will be used as subtle breath energy.

Prāṇāyāma is a (Devanagariप्राणायाम prāṇāyāma) is a Sanskrit compound word.

Here, pranayama is used as Control of subtle breath Energy. [prāṇa- subtle breath energy + āyāma- control]

The importance of Prana & Pranayama:

  1. Prana is the only raw material used for Pranayama. (Grade of Prana & Sun energy content is critical)
  2. Pranayama is the critical tool in increasing the subtle body frequency to a higher level from earth dimensions to escape from lower earth-bound thought energies.
  3. Pranayama is part of eight limbed PAtanjali System.
    1. It is the 4/8 of Patanjali 8 step Yogic System (4th step out of 8 steps)
    2. Pranayama is the critical step to reach the final stage 8/8 which is Samadhi (Transcendence)

What is Prana vision?

  1. Prana vision is a real-time psychic vision tool within the subtle body to see the distribution of prana or compressed breath energy across the subtle body from the atma's (Core-self) location or from the prana field/distribution.
  2. Prana field sensing Prana Field itself, this is Prana VIsion!

Importance of Prana Vision in the Pranayama process?

  1. Better equipped in reaching transcendence absorption (samadhi)
    1. If Prana is not uniformly distributed throughout the body, then only certain portions of the body will be vibrating with higher frequency and others at a still lower earth-bound frequency
      1. This could hinder the subtle body from reaching the higher freqeuncy by hurling earth-bound thoughts into the mind and then the result is failed or partial accomplishment of transcendence (samadhi).
  2. Distributing Prana:
    1. Prana Vision gives the real times data on the distribution of the prana in the body in form of field
      1. From that data, the practitioner can use mystic willpower or force to move the prana from a highly dense prana field to a sparsely dense field
      2. Eg: Usually, the stomach or lungs will be packed with high-content prana resulting in a very dense prana field in the torso, one can use mystic force to redirect the prana from a rich field to sparse or low-dense fields like in the thighs, kness or hands.
      3. Usually extremities in the legs and hands like toes, knees, fingers, etc will have logistics issues of moving the prana to such distance from the lung. Eventually, with nadis (subtle channels) cleared and kundalini moving thru these Nadi, the distribution happens automatically without manual guidance.
  3. Vision of Prana, Kundalini & Nadis  
    1. From prana's vision, eventually, nadis (subtle channel or vein) and kundalini will be more visible.
    2. Nadi vision & Kundalini Vision are much subtler than Prana Vision. 
      1. Frequency of: Naked eye Vision <<< Prana Vision ≤  Nadi Vision ≤  Kundalini Vision
      2. Higher frequency difficult to perceive from earthbound vision as a reference
    3. Sometimes, the frequency of these visions such as Nadi, kundalini & prana can overlap giving the full view of the subtle energy movement inside the nadis in the subtle body to the practitioner.
      1. In some dimensions, the Frequency of Prana Vision =  Nadi Vision = Kundalini Vision

Method/ Theory to develop or improve Prana Vision

This is a simple method with an intermediate step (a technique) to reach the goal of developing prana vision. Some people automatically develop, and some needs an intermediate step to reach there, either way the destination is the same.

Method's Limitation:

**Every method will have a limitation and restrictions. This method can work only in the breath infusion process (Kapalabhati/ bhastrika pranayama) with proper mystic locks (bandhas), and breath retention (kumbhaka). Other methods like the Alternate nostril (Anulom Vilom) with or without breath retention cannot sufficiently compress the breath to give that prana glow. There could be other subtle methods for the alternate nostril or other softer pranayama methods to view prana. 

Stage 1: Observing the Prana Field with its own glow from Core-self (Atma)

If Prana or subtle breath is inhaled and compressed enough in the breath infusion process, it glows in a golden color (other rare colors like moonlight white or light green is also possible but rare).

From that golden color, one can perceive the length, breadth, and density of the prana field from Core-self or atma location in the head.

But the catch, it is difficult many times to directly view from Core-self or Atma and to get the full extent of prana field. The darkness in other regions will cloud the prana vision from the Core-self.

There is a secondary location other than Core-self to view the prana field, that is prana field itself. Yes, Prana field to view Prana field itself.

Core-self will operate its consciousness by transferring some of its consciousness to the Prana field or PRana particles to realize its extent and the intensity of the prana field. It is similar to remote logging into an office desktop from one's home laptop. 

Stage 1 is primarily to realize that there is a glow in the lung or torso when breath energy is compressed during the breath retention stage breath infusion process (Kapalabhati/ bhastrika) by applying all 3 major locks/ bandhas in respective asanas or postures. 

If the prana's glow can't be seen immediately, one can feel the inner pressure or density changes in breath inside the body, and realize that's the location of highly densely prana and try to pry into that zone to observe if there is any luminance or glow in the prana field. It comes in diligent practice in time. 


Stage 2: Superimpose the Prana Particles into the entire or part of the Prana field location

Once the prana field location and glow are located from atma or core-self location, now the transfer of consciousness from atma to the prana field process begins. 

Every field will have definite particle properties and behaviors. Eg: All Electric current is nothing but an electric field, but approximating them as particles were more than enough to design all electronics and devices. So, particle approximation is a valid & quick approach or even better than dealing with an abstract field until we understand it completely. 

Break down the big dense and abstract prana field into small prana particles like small spheres or sand particles. Park more particles in high-density locations and fewer particles in low-density locations

Start initially from a dense field location and move slowly into sparse or low-dense field locations. This will refine the prana vision technique and in time, this happens automatically without deliberation.  

This is nothing new, the science field always employs this technique in the name of finite element analysis where an abstract object or field is broken down into tiny finite parts and compute the individual value of these tiny elements to get the full view or value of the big object or field.

Eg: Consider an asteroid far away, scientists will take pictures of its abstract or irregular asteroid shape and break it down into small elements in the computer software to compute its tiny volume, and add all these values to get the volume & weight of the asteroid. There is no other way to measure such an asteroid far away and which has the size of a continent.  


Stage 3: Now, extend vision from each Prana Particles in all directions as shown throughout the field

After packing the prana particles in the prana field, now operate the consciousness from each of these particles by extending the consciousness rays in 360° (as shown as arrow marks in the below image) to seek or sense the nearby prana energy.

Do this to every single prana particle, now every prana particle is trying to sense the prana energy in the prana field. And this results in the collective consciousness of the prana field thru prana particles.

Now, Prana Vision is established!

Prana Field senses itself thru Prana Particle!

In some time, the prana particle approach may not even be needed or be deliberate because the consciousness transfer from Atma to the prana field happens so spontaneously that the Prana field will sense itself! 

Thus, Prana Vision is accomplished!



The video of the method:


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