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Play of Prakriti Series-4: types of atma and realities

Prakriti or Prakruti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति IAST: prakṛti) is the primordial subtle and gross material nature.

All levels from Brahmaloka (Abode of Brahma, the creator) to Heavens (Indraloka) to Earth (Our planet) to all nether worlds (hell) are just manifestations, degree of certain energies and compositions of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature.

Prakriti is little more than conventional usage of English Nature because Nature usually describes only collective observable properties of gross material nature, whereas Prakriti is gross material nature + subtle material nature with all unobservable energies. 

The whole creation was created by Brahma by playing with the potential and kinetic energy of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature. Prakriti was there even before Brahma or this creation even happened, it is just that each creator or Brahma when he begins creation, he plays with this pre-existing energy.


October 16, 2022

Houston, Texas

There are 2 realities: 

  1. Prakriti: Gross & subtle material Nature and worlds reality (Hells to Heavens (Indraloka) to Brahmaloka)
  2. Spiritual reality:
    1. Everything beyond Brahmaloka 
    2. Chit-Akash (sky of consciousness)
    3. Spiritual worlds like the Abode of Shiva, Vishnu (Shiva Loka, Vishnu Loka)
    4. there are other parallel formless planes like Brahman effulgence, cosmic reality

There are 2 categories of Atamas (Core-selves):

  1. Jivatma (Sanskrit) means limited beings. Everyone under Brahma is a Jivatama.
    1. All jivatmas are subjected to death, death here means suspension of existence in Prakriti
    2. All jivatamas are bound by time and eventually meet their death
    3. All jivatamas are native and bound to Prakriti
  2. Paramatma (Sanskrit) means unlimited beings who are not bound by subtle or gross material nature
    1. Buddhas, Shivas, Vishnus, Durgas, etc
    2. Native to Spiritual existence
    3. Respective Brahma (creator) reports to his respective Paramatma or seeks their guidance or help
    4. Generally, Paramatma has a parental attitude towards the well-being of the jivatamas
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