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Play of Prakriti Series-3: Survival of the fittest in China!

29 September 2022

Houston, Texas

Prakriti or Prakruti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति IAST: prakṛti) is the primordial subtle and gross material nature.

All levels from Brahmaloka (Abode of Brahma, the creator) to Heavens (Indraloka) to Earth (Our planet) to all nether worlds (hell) are just manifestations, degree of certain energies and compositions of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature.

Prakriti is little more than conventional usage of English Nature because Nature usually describes only collective observable properties of gross material nature, whereas Prakriti is gross material nature + subtle material nature with all unobservable energies. 

The whole creation was created by Brahma by playing with the potential and kinetic energy of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature. Prakriti was there even before Brahma or this creation even happened, it is just that each creator or Brahma when he begins creation, he plays with this pre-existing energy.


A friend of mine was sharing his story of adopting 3 children from China. He had a biological son of his own and in his latter life, he chose to adopt children from China.

For work reasons, he used to travel to China a lot and he was quite familiar with the Chinese culture and everything. One day, he and his wife were talking and thinking "Well, we have a big house and an adult son who is on his own. Why don't we give a chance to other struggling children".

They went to China and chose children from orphanages. Because of China's one-child policy, the second child and girl children were abandoned by poor people who could not take care of them. Mostly, it was girls who were adadoned because everyone wanted to have male children. So, when they went to the orphanage, they found more boys than girls, and that's when they realized, there was another side to the story.

It appears from the outside that China might have socialized or have free medicine but actually to get proper care or treatments for unique cases, one has to pay out of pocket and the poor rural people can't afford it. So, they were abandoning all kids with medical problems including boys. So, the orphanages are usually filled with several of these kids who were abandoned in such conditions. 

My friend was okay with it and he really chose the kids who had the least chance to get adopted by anyone. He chose 3 kids including an older one who still remembers her mother. The child had burns on the body when she was a baby and she was abandoned in the streets by her mother. She still remembers her mother and she was older compared to other kids. They gave her a chance. 

Later on, they discovered the other 2 small children also had some health issues and the Chinese caretakers just covered up and said all is good with the child. Later on, they discovered they also had a few issues. 

My friend was saying it cost him 5 years of his retirement money and gave all 3 of them US citizenship and told them that's the best he can do. They have to find a way to fund their college tuition fees. The children are doing amazing and they came out in flying colours. Boys are still in school and doing great with As & Bs with all the difficulties they have. The girl is doing amazing with several scholarships with fully paid tuition fees in the university.

Not just the money, he is in his mid-60s, and he and his wife get up every day in the morning at 5 am till today to make food and a special diet for the special needs and get their kids ready for school. And also he attends to every single need, has dinner together, and goes to school meets and talks to them every day for hours and spending time, he surely is a positive example of how a selfless dad should be!

Once abandoned because they were not the fittest to run the rat race, but now Prakriti gave them a chance and the abandoned children became unicorns.

Very few get opportunities and in that very few make use of it!



Prakriti creates Pain, and misery on one end and also creates Happiness and success at the other end!

Prakriti abandons someone on one end and also cuddles the same one on the other end

Prakriti put one at the bottom of the ladder at one end and also put the same one on the top of the ladder on the other end

Prakriti suffocates one with her entanglements on one end and also liberates the same one from her entanglements on the end!

Is she full of pain or full of mercy? Or a combination of both!

How the complex karmic equations work out in one's favor or disfavor!

  • Suffer all bad karma in childhood and encash the good karma in adult life when it matters the most!
  • Or enjoy all good karma in a palace in childhood by exhausting all good karma and suffering bad karma in adult life by roaming in the streets.  
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