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Play of Prakriti Series-2: Talk of Immigrants-1: Passions vs Practicality

Prakriti or Prakruti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति IAST: prakṛti) is the primordial subtle and gross material nature.

All levels from Brahmaloka (Abode of Brahma, the creator) to Heavens (Indraloka) to Earth (Our planet) to all nether worlds (hell) are just manifestations, degree of certain energies and compositions of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature.

Prakriti is little more than conventional usage of English Nature because Nature usually describes only collective observable properties of gross material nature, whereas Prakriti is gross material nature + subtle material nature with all unobservable energies. 

The whole creation was created by Brahma by playing with the potential and kinetic energy of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature. Prakriti was there even before Brahma or this creation even happened, it is just that each creator or Brahma when he begins creation, he plays with this pre-existing energy.


This is a sequel to Play of Prakriti Series-1: Talk of Immigrants-1: Chosen One!

4 interesting topics, of which 2 topics are discussed in the previous post. Let's discuss the other 2 topics:

  1. Crying in Grocery Store
  2. Passion vs Practicality


Peru & Cuban stories:

My colleague whose mom is Cuban and whose Dad was from Peru, told these stories.

His mom back in Cube was a maid to a doctor, and when the doctor decided to leave Cuba and move to the US. He had an option to take certain people with him. He took all the people who served him. That's how his mom came to the USA and this was back in the harsh Communist days. 

His dad was a badass in Peru. He was picking fights all over the town and was a womanizer in the bars, so his family used to lock him in the house and give him female clothes to wear, just to stop him from going outside and stop his trouble-making tendency, 

It looks like they failed badly. The family is quite affluent in Peru and they offered 2 options to him, either he runs some business and settles down or they buy him a one-way ticket to the USA. He chose the latter.

He later came to the USA and worked as a translator to gangs in New York. He was fluent in Italian, Spanish, French, English, etc, so they needed a translator to work with Spanish-speaking people and it was a match made in heaven. 

His mom and dad met in New York and got married. After some time, he changed to good and left this job and moved to a remote place.

In fact, after several years, when his dad and Cuban mom went to Peru to meet their ancestral people, his grandfather was so moved by the change in the attitude of his son that he gifted his mom, a gold bracelet, which was very expensive in Peru Currency (few months salary) and all his aunts were jealous that this old man never gifted anything for all these years, and he hands over expensive stuff to someone who came yesterday, But the gift signifies how much the old man valued and was impressed by the change in behavior of his son.

Crying in Grocery Store

Cuban Grandma:

His Cuban grandma came for a visit to the US. My friend who was 16 at that time (now, he is 60+) was driving a pickup truck. The Cuban granny was so impressed with my friend, saying I am so proud of you! You are a big man in this country, you are driving such a big truck! 

Because in Cuba, only politicians or big shots can drive any automotive. My friend did not know where to start and explain anything, he just remained silent.

He took her to a grocery store and she cried out so loud. She got so emotional on seeing so much food, she said she has never seen such a scene in her life or can even imagine so much food or things even existing in the planet. She said her yearly ration was 2 socks.

The story itself is revealing! Pictures of Cuba itself show much they were stuck back in time, and such time transition by crossing boundaries is overwhelming for any individual. 

By the way, the Cuban government did not want the grandma to come back to Cuba. Cuba wanted old people to stay away from Cuba and only wanted young people who can do hard labor. They could not handle the population. Grandma did go to see some niece but she later returned here. 


Passions vs Practicality:

The only caucasian American in the group posed this question to the US-Taiwanese guy who was born and raised in US but settled now in Taiwan: Do people follow a passion in Taiwan or just do some job?

US-Taiwanese guy understood the question, he knows both worlds very well. He put it diplomatically saying that Taiwanese are practical people!

I was laughing, I would have answered it point blank but he answered it beautifully. 

It is the same situation in all Asian countries. He was saying Taiwanese are very very practical people, it is not worth following the passion if it does not guarantee food on a plate or a decent job and income. Traditionally, people aim to go to top universities and choose subjects that pay well and join top companies and make a good livelihood. 

Investing career in photography or arts and waiting for years to yield returns is not a practical solution for Taiwanese. They even leave the business to business-class families, they follow the crowd and make practical choices, unlike Americans. 

I was laughing, at how all Asian countries are united on this subject!


These are cultural and third-world country problems, these dimensions can't support passion as first-world countries support. First-world countries are heaven in a way for passion-driven and artistic people. There is a minimum wage at least to cover the back of the adventure-driven folks. The third-world countires don't have the concept of minimum wage, they have something called no wage (to do free work, exploiting)

By the way, Taiwan is a very developed country and not a third-world country and their behavior was a surprise to me. It is more of cultural thinking that is going on.

I found these stories very revealing and interesting across cultures!

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