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Past Life Yoga Practice

Yesterday I was speaking with a member on this forum about our past life yoga practice. 

Without sharing all the details, it was centered around why we as yogis are not able to just recall/resume our prior yoga practice in this life?

If we have put in such hard work in our previous lives, why can't we just pick up where we left off?

We both shared several ideas as to what maybe the cause of not being able to recall it. However, we ultimately settled on re-birth circumstances and how these situations are out of our control as limited beings.

But this morning as I was reading Yoga inVision 5, it occurred to me on pg. 68 that this maybe the answer to our question.

Supernatural supervisionThere are gods and there is a supreme God. Everything personal andnatural is supervised. The interaction of the persons and the environment is supervised.The difficulty with proving this is that the supervisory agencies are usually in a higher dimension. That prohibits visibility. Their actions affect usbut we cannot trace their movements and effects. If however someone develops the perception into higher dimension, it would be possible to tracesome of the supernatural actions to physical history.For a yogi concern for this world is a mistake because this situation is controlled by supernatural forces which are immune to the willpower ordesire needs of a limited person here. We may take advantage of opportunities which are afforded to us here but invariably we will discover that some circumstances are for our displeasure. Since we cannot control this in a territorial way, it is best to figure how to shift from here into anenvironment which lacks fatiguing trauma.Nityananda advised that a yogi should aim for full application of renunciation but in such a way that others do not know of his action. He maybe with others but they should not be given the opportunity to become hostile because of his renunciation. Hence he may participate when it isnecessary, when he is in a certain circumstance but deep within there should be no attachment and no interest in the affairs.This creation will continue as it is indefinitely. A yogi cannot alter it substantially. He should understand this and apply his detachment energies within the psyche so that his intellect and life Force becomes neutral to the excitements which are generated in this creation.A yogi must understand that he is not needed. If he were to vanish from this place, nature would go on without him. In fact it may do better in absence.

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