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Nepal's Little Buddha from Fame to Prison (Ram Bahadur Bomjon)

Ram Bahadur Bomjon who is popularised by western media as Buddha Boy is back in news again.

He was convicted of several abuse charges in Nepal in Jan 2024 and he is serving atleast 10 years of prison.


Media Fames him:

This documentary video by BBC, Discovery Channel and western media in 2005 shot him to global fame dubbing him as the next buddha like Gautama Buddha or Maitreya Buddha.

This was due to his past life samskara/ impression to be a global fame and mimick Buddha's achievement. So, destiny/ prakriti has set events in a sequence where people would find him innocently doing flamboyant austerities with no water or food and some rituals with fire. It does look naive and authentic in the beginnning, but it was actually preset karmic seed conditions by Ram Bahadur from his past life which got fructifed in this life by fate/ prakriti.

‍Media Shames him:

For a jivatama/ limited entity, even his own gross and subtle body is too powerful to handle, it is 10x - 100x more powerful than atma/ soul. With this added fame, desire energy and sexual energy from his followers, all his psychic weakness got wide open and psychically destroyed him.

The same prakriti/ fate fructified the bad seeds of action/ karma which he did under the dug of fame. The same media which praised him daya nd night and made him a global sensation and aggressively bringing him down in less than 20 years. What goes up, should come down!



Lessons to be learnt:

‍‍This reminds the inself yogi's to not be attracted to fame and take precautions from such allurments in this nature. Ram Bahadur was a decent student yogi but attraction to fame taught him a strong lesson in this life.

Is this lesson enough to accelerate his trajectory to liberation or will the limited atma still be allured by material nature in coming lives due to lack of memory of teaching ?‍‍

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