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Naad Yoga Series-1: Struggles to publish this and the Naad Introduction


January 3, 2023 (Wednesday)

Houston, Texas

Blocking Energy to publish this series:

This series got delayed around 1-1.5 years due to several blocking psychic energies from various sources.

Today, the psychic energy to overcome obstacles and to write this post on the Naad series was sponsored by the Dhyan/Chan/ Zen Monastery Masters group's astral energy. This lineage was founded by the Great Bodhidharma (the First Patriarch of the Chan lineage).

I owe this article to Bodhidharma and his lineage masters for mowing down the obstacles that have plagued me for over a year now. I thought I could have mowed it down by myself but on closer investigation, it appeared to me as a sign of arrogance, indeed the obstacle was so subtle and effective that without their help, I don't think I could have written this article for the next few more months or years. 

The starting trouble with publishing this series of articles on higher mediation and Naad (spiritual transcendence) came from many obstructing energies in the psyche and the environment.

Obstructing energy to prevent publishing the Naad meditation series came from the below sources:

  1. Spiritual peers, associations, and circles
    1. The spiritual peers voluntarily and involuntarily emit certain envy and jealousy energy from the psyche which over time accumulates and stops the publishing of certain series of spiritual articles especially higher meditation articles and try to sandbag the writer in lower stages of yoga and not to venture into higher zones.
    2. This is common and even I have involuntarily committed this psychic act. So, again one has to fight it out.
  2. The barrage of desire and confusion energy from living & deceased ancestors in the psyche and around me
    1. This is a constant pressure in this physical and subtle universe from worms to birds to animals to humans to sub-deities. No one can escape from this ancestral pressure.
    2. I have witnessed at every stage from fish to even sub-deities, poor and rich, no one is spared from the ancestral pressure. So, this is not a valid complaint for a spiritual seeker to stagnate, one has to fight it out.
    3. Ancestor's psychic energy vehemently blocks the spiritual thoughts in the psyche by emitting confusion energy in the form of a burden weight on the top of the head to keep continuously heed to their subtle needs and desires by fulfilling them physically.
  3. Work obligations and forced materialistic association:
    1. This sucks out a good quota of psychic energy from the subtle body and eventually, the physical body gets tired to practice any spirituality. 
    2. There is no dodging the obligations to the physical world obligation, one has to efficiently complete the assigned duty and step back as that is the path to serenity
  4. Inborn delusion and fear in one's own psyche
    1. This is the root cause and door to all the confusion. From time to time, certain grenades like delusion or fear energy of the past explode in the psyche and the psyche gets shut down and reels in depression & lower traumatic zones for no reason.
    2. This is a total burnout and needs help from nature and higher teachers or transcendental beings to surcharge the psyche with energy to get back on its feet. 
    3. The frequency of the psyche shutdown to delusion and fear grenades has gone down considerably but still iot occurs 6-9 times a year, it attacks when unguarded and needs a helping hand to get out of it.
    4. This repetitive failure is because the root cause of delusion is not treated which is spiritual ignorance i.e. constantly losing touch with the transcendental zone like Naad, higher bliss/ rapture states without psychic sensual contact, and no-thought zones in day-to-day activities.
    5. This loss in mindfulness in higher zones or no thought/ single thought zone leads to scattered mind and eventually psyche enters lower zones filled with psychic land mines from the past and when the psyche meanders and steps on it, it bursts into pieces and cries for help from higher beings. This has been a recursive habit of mine from my past life.

Naad Introduction

Naad Meditation is highly recommended in Inself Yoga.

All my writings are directly and indirectly inspired and taught by teacher great yogic authority Madhvacahrya. Even when it is not stated explicitly in some of my writings, a good or all portion of it is inspired by my direct teacher Madhvacaharya. My beloved teacher is the one who initiated me into the Naad meditation and taught all the basics to higher steps.

Other chief contributors are:

  1. Gautama Buddha & Amitabha Buddha 
    1. Movement of Naad light, frequency to different parts of the psyche to retrain the psyche
    2. Every part of the subtle body can be made to vibrate in a frequency
    3. Naad in different dimensions such as solid, liquid, plasma, and atmosphere were inspired in the mind.
  2. 3-4 Tibetian Yogic Ancestors
    1. Tibetian ancestors of my past lives taught me how to filter loud to subtle frequencies of one whole Naad sound using a frequency separation technique.
    2. They showed how each frequency and node takes shape and forms different light-quality
    3. How to use Tibetan bowl to induce naad blast in psyche and study its properties like frequency.
  3. Boddhi Dharma (no-thought zone)
    1. stressed the utter importance of a no-thought zone
    2. showed in what state he was meditating for 9 years in cave and there was pure neutrality of sense of identity to such an extent that no self can be declared. It was a pure awareness.
    3. It was shown as a one-time wonder, so my psyche can aim for such states 
  4. Swami Mukthananda
    1. A Siddha in recent times, an expert and specialist in Kundalini yoga and transformation.
    2. The sophistication and finesse in several kundalini kriyas which he has given in writings in Invision books and shown to me in psyche have never been published before and spoken openly in the history of Yoga. 
    3. From my experience of his teaching, he has mastered this over several lifetimes to get to that stage of self-discovery. A solid Siddha with the rarest of rare specializations.
    4. Buddhi Yoga- He showed me how to anchor in Naad and see the rising and falling of thoughts in the form of ballooning and disappearing. Eventually, the mind settles down.
    5. Also, when tuned in to the Buddhi organ's rotation, the subtle body switches to a higher dimension and starts swirling like a cloth in the fast-running washing machine, and eventually mind enters a states of tranquility.
    6. As a student of the vast spiritual subject, I feel lucky, enamored, and benefitted by his methods and expertise. My skills were sharpened.
    7. His criticisms of the social life of the ashram are known to me but never bothered my psyche. When Drona was teaching archery to Arjuna and others, Arjuna saw only the eye of the dove in the tree and nothing else in the circumference was visible to him whereas Yuddhistra, Bhima, and others saw trees, fruits, etc with the dove's eye. That separated Arjuna from others in terms of archery.  I can only see his skill and expertise in yoga, nothing enters my ears or bothers my psyche.
    8. Nature will sort the complex equations between the entities involved in her way in future births, students should not interfere with it. Why should a true student of the subject bother what the teacher does outside the classroom? The risk is losing such a great teacher of the Yogic subject!
  5. Srila Yogeshwarananda
    1. Super yogi of modern times, a specialist to relocate to extreme bliss states of Chitakash in naad meditiatoin.
    2. I have benefitted from his methods thru his best student and my teacher Madhvacahrya in his Invision series books.
    3. He is very advanced in his methods. Most of the time, I am unable to use his methods as I have not qualified to be at that stage to act on the kriyas but in the path of struggle, I have tasted some success here and there.

Irrespective of lineage, religion, or nationality of this body, I have received generous help from all borders of the world in the field of meditation and yoga, it is all due to the general kinship and welfare felt between spiritual groups. I am indebted to all the masters mentioned above and not listed above.

Naad Basics:

  • What is Naad?
    • Naad in Sanskrit generally means sound.
    • Here, in Naad Yoga, Naad does not refer to some random physical or subtle level sound.
    • Naad is the great Transcendental sound that has its origin beyond the gross-subtle material nature 
  • From where is this naad coming?
    • Naad comes from Chitakash levels 
  • What is the Chitakash level?
    • Chit-Akash in Sanskrit means "Sky of Consciousness"
    • The chit-akash level is beyond the Brahma-Loka and Causal levels. 
    • Chitakash is a broad term referring to various levels starting from several full to split levels around Brahman Effulgence to various levels of personal zones of Deities and impersonal zones.
    • It is beyond any prakriti (subtle material) level and the naad from Chitakash penetrates all the levels of this material creation (Prakriti) from top to bottom. Obviously, at higher levels like Siddha loka, it is easier to tune in to Naad due to the lack of distractions from lower levels and ancestors.



Naad Properties:

Yogic literature like Hatha Yoga Prathipika is one of the very few books that has a dedicated chapter on Naad and its properties (frequencies).

Naad generally in yogic circles is referred to as transcendental sound but it has other transcendental properties.

Naad has the following properties:

  1. Visual/ Seeing property of Naad:
    1. Naad light in the form of steady, flickering light and like a steady spotlight from higher worlds to crown chakra or into the head
      1. It can be seen using
        1. Naad Vision
        2. Vision through hearing (this subtle and similar technique to Prana vision)
    2. Geometry of Naad (Based on dimensions):
      1. Naad comes in the shape of a Flower with petals resting on the ear of the subtle body
      2.  Solid shapes like cuboids or random shapes on the crown chakra
  2. Touch/ Feel property of Naad:
    1. Naad has a texture like puffy cotton or aerosol gel
      1. Psychic fingers or touch sense can be used to feel it inside the subtle head
    2. Movement of Naad Node:
      1. Naad node can be moved with psychic fingers inside the subtle body to the desired location to destroy mental chattering, this requires extreme chitta or mental energy gathered focus to do it.
      2. The scatter mind state is not suitable for this technique, one has to go back to Pratyahar state and complete it, and come back to exercise this method.
  3. Hearing/ Sound property of Naad:
    1. The subtle hearing sense in the ear is used to listen or tune in to the frequency of the sound.
    2. Starts will dull listening but later on when applying mindfulness, one can see the different frequenting of the naad from gross-like loudness to very sharp subtleness to near silence of blissness can be felt and sensed accurately. 
  4. Bliss property of Naad:
    1. Naad has inherent transcendental bliss situated in it.
    2. The level of bliss saturated in the naad is directly proportional to the level of higher dimension achieved in meditation
    3. Higher and bliss saturated in the psyche reveals that one has gone beyond the no thought zone and the psychic registry is filled with higher transcendental levels. If one revels in materialistic associations and high physical work, one would struggle to get back to this level for weeks to months.
    4. Lower naad bliss means one mostly might be having a few thoughts here and there and one can see it in slow motion rising and falling but still enjoying the naad bliss in lower intensity. 
  5. Taste and Smell properties of Naad:
    1. So far, these properties of Naad were not observed by me. So, I have an open mind on these topics
    2. So, if somebody even if certain dimensions where these properties emerge, please let me know as part of your kindness.

In the coming posts, each property will be discussed in detail with pictures.

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