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Multiversality of the Subtle Body

The multiversality (I am coining this word to express the concept) of subtle bodies

Although we are very few, we accept the existence of a subtle body, and the necessity to understand and impact it as a crucial aspect of the purificatory process of our yoga practice system.

My son is starting University at Temple University Japan, clear across the planet where they practically are a day ahead of us who reside in and around the Eastern Standard Time zone.

So, some of our interactions naturally carry on into the subtle realm. When that is happening for me, he is already in class with his subtle body conducting the physical body. However simultaneously, the same subtle body is interacting with me, as well as with his mother, presumably.

We broadly accept the shifting nature of the subtle realms as well as their relative fluidity with the construct of time. These factors alone make existence severed from a gross body deathly uncomfortable (pun intended).

However, an additional understanding and acceptance of the nature of things on the other side, I feel will be beneficial to the InSelf Yogins. This assessment is what I am herewith calling multi-versality. 

Aside from the shifty and unsteady nature of the subtle environments, an inSelf Yogin ought to also factor in the innate characteristic of the subtle body to simultaneously be present and interact wholly as itself, at the same time, in different places/dimensions, involved in different activities and meanwhile, also be operating its’ physical body during the wake cycle.

Once again, the advanced science, of quantum physics is proving to be verified within the practice/experience of inSelf Yoga. In this case, that of the Multiverse theory, or our existing in different universes simultaneously, while leading karmic/“samskaric” probabilistic individual profiles, based on our unique identity as an “atmic” self.

Ordinarily, the ability to exist in different places and circumstances is only accepted as a possibility for the gods or exceptionally advanced mystics. Here, it can be understood that this capacity is inherent to any subtle body.

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