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Kundalini Buddhi Strikes -- Kundalini-Up-spikes -/- Reconsidered


Kundalini Buddhi Strikes / Reconsidered:

Upon further phone communication with Yogiraja RishiDeva Michael following Kundalini-Up-spikes, below are aspects of my understanding:

When sufficient prana infusion has been directed at the life force and enough force is applied along with locks, the life force is motivated to rise up the main subtle energy pathway along the spinal column.


An inexperienced or inattentive practitioner may fall out. But this can be avoided by proper application and understanding of the locks, this post focuses on the mental lock.


The intellect organ must have its focus directed towards the life force prior to that force rising. The expediency and subtlety of movement will make it unlikely to intervene at a later stage of the arousal, depending on the intensity of the charge.


The focus of the intellect organ is comprised of attention energy derived from the sense of identity, which in turn is energized by the core-self. So the intellect must be turned backwards, towards the back of the head, in order to face the life-force dead on in its track, as it loops forward from emerging through the base of the skull, at dazzling speed.


Within that subtle framework or circumstance the core-self is in a position to keep track of the body so that it does not blank out, because the intellect organ is likely to remain engaged.


The body falls out because the core-self needs the intellect to maintain objectivity. However, kundalini will decommission the intellect as a result; disconnect it from the senses which also represent kundalini.


By maintaining the mind lock which is the significance of this post, the core-self therefore may maintain its objectivity, as the intellect stays in focus, facing the energy irrespective of the level of consciousness that is reached during the practice, and simultaneously tracking the condition of the bodies, as containers of both the physical and subtle senses.

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