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Kriyas related to Pran Yogini illustration

The following sadhana practice gives relief from sluggishness, depression and gives great Energy.

Exercise I-Sit in easy pose with straight spine.. Hook left middle finger with the right ring finger. Interlace the remaining fingers, and have thumbs touching. Pull hard on the hooked fingers and breath in through solar plexus and with eyes focusing on the third eye. Continue for 5 minutes. Inhale and hold a few seconds while suspending the breath, then relax. 

Exercise II-Fit the base of your palms underneath your cheekbones of your face, push as hard as you can. If it hurts then you've got the right spot. Continue breathing in and out of the solar plexus with eyes focusing on the third eye. Continue 5 minutes. Inhale and push hard on the checkbones for a few seconds, suspend the breath exhale then relax the hands down.

Excerise III-Grab the left wrist with right hand. Pull the left arm as far right as possible. This removes the tension across the shoulder blades, it opens the back and heart. Breathe in and out, eyes focusing on the third eye. Continue 5 minutes. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax hands down.

Exercise IV- Grab wrist of boths hands and put this behind your lower back, and try to bring your elbows together if you can. Pull the arms back, neck in, chest out and apply neck lock which is bringing the chin down towards the chest so that your spine stays straight. So your going to feel the shoulder blades moving together and down. Continue breathing in and out of the solar plexus with eyes focusing on the third eye. Go 5 minutes. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax for a moment in easy pose.

Exercise V= Sit on heels or in easy pose if it is more comfortable. Eyes are focused at tip of nose. Hands are in Gyan mudra, thumb and index fingers are touching. Palms are faced away from the body, arms and elbows are comfortable by your side. Breath pattern is inhale deeply and exhale all the air out and start pumping the stomach as long as you can until you need to take an inhale.  Mentally vibrate the word "liar" with each pump. (using meditation drum recording helps keep the rythm). Go 5 minutes. Enhale deeply,  hold, exhale & relax and lie down to meditate.

This sadhana is one of several from the Shadow Mining program taught by Hari Bhajan.

The watercolor painting is by Melanie Weidner (http://www.listenforjoy.com/)




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