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Great scientists series-3: Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim

Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim is famous in scientists and engineers circles working on nano materials for his unique contribution to science of graphene and the first person to isolate a graphene in 2D material format from a pencil. 

He took some pencil graphite and put it on a glass coupon and started taping and peel with a scotch tape, he taped and peeled,  taped and peeled for several several times. As he did the layers of graphite were removed one by one and atlast only a flat 2D plane of pure graphite was left behind which is called graphene. It is used in electronic chips, high conductive and strong materials, etc.

Without any fancy chemicals or process, with just a scotch tape someone did a miracle. Next time, one sees a scotch tape remember the name "Konstantin Novoselov/ Andre Geim ", and how a genius turned a silly tape into Nobel prize, it all lies in the seer's eyes. 

They got Nobel prize for Physics (2010) by using just pencil and scotch tape to isolate graphene, it was elusive for years, until this man uniquely isolated it. 




This is a nice post, when I read it, I could reflect and feel the difficulties, enthusiasms and adventures while walking in an untrodden path to discover something.

The more the knowledge less the understanding and the blind spots are easier to see for an outsider than an insider are interesting and beautiful thoughts articulated well from his own toiling experience, not just intellectually!

I heard about him many years ago, it is nice to read his article after years!




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