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From The Mystery of Piercing the Six Chakras by Rishi Singh Gherwal


Meditationtime Forum Post

Date:  Posted 3 years before Mar 14, 2016


Alfredo 3 years ago




MiBeloved 3 years ago



I don't even remember seeing that book


do you have it?


one thing is that this configuration is invalid for people who are not yogis but it is the role model, if I may use that term.


Alfredo 3 years ago



Yes, I just copied it and was fixing it in word, etc, here is the link to download that one and his Yoga Vashishta:




If you want, I can send you the downloaded, and fixed, Word version, let me know.


MiBeloved 3 years ago

It would be interesting if using that chart you could do one about your psyche with the attendant deities at the various chakras and even give the sounds at each chakras, to see if they are the same as what is illustrated in Rishi's diagram.


There is a president in India and there is one in the USA.  The principle of president is almost identical but the resident person is different. Is the deity at your base chakra the same exact person at mine?


Is your base chakra vibrating at the same sound frequency as anyone else?




Please send the download


I do not need the yogavashistha text.


I am aware of that one.


Alfredo 3 years ago

Just emailed the download to 'axisnexus@gmail.com'.


Also, Was the Rishi a Gahrwali from Uttarakhand or Sikh? I have several friends among the Gahrwali tribes in Rishikesh, Kumaon, Naini Tal, and they are Kshatriya mostly, all of them have middle name Singh, another common last names is Bist,


Marcia Beloved 3 years ago

This is what Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has to say about chakras in his book






In dream practice, we direct our attention into different areas in the body: the chakras at the throat, brow, and heart, and the secret chakra, behind the genitals.


A chakra is a wheel of energy, a nexus of energetic connections. Channels of energy meet at particular locations in the body; the junctions of the channels form the energetic patterns that are chakras. The major chakras are sites where many channels join.


Chakras are not really like the pictures drawn of them, of lotuses that open and close, that have a certain number of petals and a certain color. Such images are only symbolic supports for the mind - like maps - that we use to help focus the  attention on the patterns of energy that exist at the site of the chakras.The chakras were initially discovered through practice, through the realizations of are only symbolic supports for the mind - like maps - that we use to help focus the  attention on the patterns of energy that exist at the site of the chakras. The chakras were initially discovered through practice, through the realizations of different practitioners. When these practitioners initially developed experiences of the chakras, there was no language that could describe their discoveries to those who had not had the same experience. Images were created that could be used as visual metaphors and to which other people could relate. The various images of the lotus, for instance, suggested that the energy around a chakra expanded and contracted like the opening and closing of a flower; one chakra felt different from another and these differences were represented by different colors; experiences of varying concentrations and complexities of energy in the different chakras were represented by different numbers of petals. These visual metaphors became the language used to articulate the experiences of the energy centers in the body. When a new practitioner visualizes the right number of petals at the right spot in the body, with the right color, then the power of the mind affects that particular energetic point and is influenced by that point.


When this occurs, we say that mind and prana are unified in the chakra.


(End of excerpt)


I am wondering what members of this forum, based on their experience, think about this comment on chakras?


Years ago around 1981 or 1982, I was doing some bhastrika with simple exercises for health purposes and early one morning after exercising, I meditated and pressed on my eyes and saw brilliant, shining, white, never-ending  translucent petals at the top of my head.  At the time I knew little to nothing about such things and that experience simply became history of which I realized the significance many years later.


I also frequently see the golden ring of energy at the brow center and various fluctuations of it in terms of size, movement, color, etc.


I am inclined, based on minimal spiritual perception,  to just meditate and practice and then take the experiences and perceptions which arise, rather than trying to perceive chakras in particular way.


As Tenzin Wangyal stated in the excerpt above


Such images are only symbolic supports for the mind - like maps - that we use to help focus the attention on the patterns of energy that exist at the site of the chakras.


That statement resonates with me. It gives significant leeway which would validate variable patterns perceived by different people.


I'm wondering what others on this forum can add based on their own meditation experiences and perceptions......


MiBeloved 3 years ago

Alfredo's Query: Was the Rishi a Gahrwali from Uttarakhand or Sikh?


Michael's Reply:


That was never made clear to me by Authur Beverford.


We have a file on this site about them:


File Name:  Michael-Beloved-and-Arthur-Beverford.pdf

Go to the Files section and look for the pdf File with the above name.




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