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Failure to log

Monday May 16 2023 

9:50 am

Failure to log.

Why it was so difficult for me to keep a log

My assignment today is to write about why it was so difficult, and why it  took so long for me to keep a log.

In my yoga practice I was given this instruction over two decades ago, by my guru, to keep a log in my journal on experience in the field of my yoga practice.

 Now I can easily say, well I had no interest. Or, I was too busy doing other things other than making a log to track my improvements on a daily basis .

Well it was all of that and more.

My struggles to keep and maintain a log

Now I would like to add some of the other factors which cause me not to be making my daily log. First  in that line is lazyness. I haven’t taken the time to understand the concept of what it means for my improvements and how keeping a log helps me to track what’s important for me to do, and what to toss aside.

 Just like a one year old wouldn't understand the concept of  what it means to keep notes on everything they do in the day.

By keeping a daily log I was able to see clearly how I used my time and what areas I should improve on. By keeping a daily log I was able to accomplish such a task. Now it’s so clear to see where all my faults are. 

I can see how, and where I squander my time, and what area I need to improve. The things I do on a daily basis which does not help me to keep advancing on the path to liberation.

This is what keeping a daily log allows me to do, so I can try to uproot all the unwanted things from the path and focus more on what is important to keep me steadfast, as to where I want to go. 

Now that is not as easy as it may sound, at times I may have to compromise in some area not to offend anyone and work out  a way, as to  how I can phase out the impediments which are causing me to fail.

 As I decrease the unwanted activities  both in my mind and on the physical side I will be able to indulge myself more in what is important for the path of liberation. So I have to make a commitment to doing a daily log and work my way from there . 

I know there will be times when other things will come up since life is filled with uncertainties.

 At that point I would have to be determined to keep my updates day after day.  





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