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Dance of Kundalini - 30: Face-Chest-Arm Mushroom Kundalini (Rarest of the rarest)

This is the sequel to 
  1. Dance of Kundalini -3: Master Database of All Kundalinis

Dance of Kundalini -3 is hyperlinked with all these posts.

All kundalinis listed in the above post are portrayed with models and videos.

December 4, 2022

10-11 pm, Houston, Texas

This is the rarest of the rarest type of Kundalini.



  1. Both cell kundalini in the face-chest-upper arm was activated and also some kundalini came from Muladhara and hit the front surface.
  2. Face-chest-upper arm Cell Kundalini + Kundalini from Muladhara to face-chest-upper arm → Multicolored Mushroom shaped Kundalini
  3. Kundalini at face-chest-upper arm regions appeared in a bell mushroom shape and created a neutral shape
  4. Several times kundalini were dispersed in these colors.
  • Color:
    • Predominantly it was in golden color
    • Then, the color changed to light green, blue, and then pink 
    • Mushroom kundalini colors were changing throughout this manifestation. Eg: like golden to pink, pink to white to gold, etc.
  • Texture:
    • The texture and shape looked like the smooth cap of a mushroom as shown below.


  • Feeling:
    • Neutral to slightly higher bliss in the mushroom-like shape locations
    • Felt like cupping on the skin in those face-chest-upper arm regions in the physical - subtle body


Asanas that triggered this Kundalini: (hap-hazard, a rare form of kundalini)

    1. This type of kundalini occurred during the padmasana pose while bending and touching the forehead on the ground, wiggling in that position from left to right, and getting up, sitting in the padmasana created this type of kundalini.
    2. This kundalini happened hap-hazard during breath infusion practice, it was not targeted.

Animations and pictures are added below:

Observe the subtle color change from 2-9 seconds in the below video, that's very precisely how multiple colors are changing this form of mushroom kundalini




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