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Dance of Kundalini - 29: Rainbow balls Kundalini - Abdomen and Face (Rarest of rarest)

This is the sequel to 
  1. Dance of Kundalini -3: Master Database of All Kundalinis

Dance of Kundalini -3 is hyperlinked with all these posts.

All kundalinis listed in the above post are portrayed with models and videos.

October 13, 2022

10-11 pm, Houston, Texas

This is the rarest of rarest type of rainbow ball Kundalini.

Rainbow color (mixture of multiple colors) is rarest and emerging like two beautiful balls is even rarest

This kundalini can be categorized as Agnisara type (subtle beath-infused abdomen), with the progress, this kind of rare kundalini can be seen.


Some Background: 

On this day (Friday), I had an extraordinary amount of work, where the morning practice happened at 4:30 pm.

It is one of those days, when providence does not want you to practice, the work and the chores keep piling up and up and up. I have traveled close to 100 miles for work, with a lot of work and emotional pressure from the office and at home. 

Several temptations to stop while driving to eat mid-way but resisted and drove till I reach home for hours. The hunger was burning the abdomen with the last meal taken more than 30 hours now. Challenging but tolerable, resisted the hunger but the real challenge began when I reached home. 

Should I eat or practice breath infusion for a few minutes? This itself took 20 minutes within my psyche to convince it to practice. This was the toughest part, even hunger and work were not as exhausting as grappling with the psyche which is so adamant. The abdomen is like fire now. Tapped the abdomen, and asking won't you calm down for few minutes for me and I jumped into practice. 

Practiced at this testing time, and there was an unexpected gift that came suddenly within 2-3 poses: Rainbow ball Kundalini. All hunger and exhaustion went away when I saw the rainbow ball. Some energy was infused and I forgot about hunger and exhaustion and did practice for 30 minutes that day. 


Asanas that triggered this Kundalini: (hap-hazard, a rare form of kundalini)

    1. Ape Man pose is strong in attacking the abdomen, and intestines and can ignite the Agnisara process (Subtle breath energy burning the abdomen)
    2. After breath infusion in ape man's pose, standing straight with holding locks triggered this type of kundalini (as shown below in the picture)



Both animations are pictures are added below.

  • Color:
    • The balls were spinning at moderate speed at the left side abdomen and near the left eyeball socket with rainbow-colored astral or kundalini energy swirling inside the balls
    • the energy movement inside the ball was like flakes swirling within a sphere when air blower is directed upon them. (good approximation of the rainbow-colored energy flow inside the ball is shown in the below gif)


  • Texture:
    • Shiny ball or sphere spinning with energy swirling within with multiple colors
  • Feeling:
    • neutral bliss, mild warm feeling 




Ape Man's Pose





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