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Dance of Kundalini - 28: Simultaneous Top & Bottom- Flowerpot Cracker Spray Kundalini from Base Chakra (Rarest)

This is the sequel to 

  1. Dance of Kundalini -3: Master Database of All Kundalinis

Dance of Kundalini -3 is hyperlinked with all these posts.

All kundalinis listed in the above post are portrayed with models and videos.

October 15, 2022

10-11 pm, Houston, Texas

This is a very rare type of trunk Spray Kundalini.

Previously, I have written about several Spray and Trunk Kundalini (as listed below), but this is rarest and different from all of them.

  1. Trunk Kundalini
    1. Trunk Spray or bubble (from bottom to top, reverse Rain)
    2. Reverse Rain or reverse waterfall Trunk Kundalini
    3. Base Chakra Explosion (Single/ multiple Explosion) Trunk Kundalini


I thought this type of kundalini usually happens at the beginning of the trunk Kundalini but this one was advanced than I thought of before. Base Chakra sprayed like a flower pot both upwards and downwards.

This just happened haphazardly while trying to do triggering other kundalinis.

October 24, 2022 (Monday) was Diwali (the Indian festival o flights) when Indians burst crackers and celbrate. I haven't celebrated for over 12-13 years now, as I have been away from home. This time, it looks like Diwali came 10 days before in the form of a kundalini!


Main Features:

  1. This lasted for 3-4 minutes, the feel was exactly like that of flower pot crackers (see pictures) where the crackers burst elegantly in the form of continuous fountain spray. 
  2. The base chakra got ignited in Flowerpot cracker fashion, the flames were sprayed from the base chakra and sprayed both upwards and downwards at the same time. 2 base chakra flower pot crackers both up and down!
  3. The base chakra was throwing the fired-up flower pot cracker on the chest, abdomen, back, and also in thighs, and ankles, it burnt exactly like crackling crackers, and it emitted sound when it hit the skin. 



Flower Pot Cracker: (Common and most loved cracker in India, fired during the Diwali festival,)



Video of Flowerpot cracker:



Asanas that triggered this Kundalini: (hap-hazard, a rare form of kundalini)

    1. Prior to this type of kundalini, Trunk or Front Kundalini should have already been mastered, as the nadis in the abdomen, pelvic bowl, and trunk should have been cleared off pollutants
    2. I came to the tabletop pose and started hitting my toes vigorously in the mat (front & back of toes) with breath infusion and then immediately went to Vajrasana and switched on all the main locks (Anus, Sex, Neck, Third eye Lock -  Maha bandha)
    3. Sometimes, automatically my subtle body will take other more subtle locks like chest, abdomen, and back locks and push downwards to a pelvic cage or compress into the subtle body. That happens automatically and consciously I do it at times to trigger certain kundalinis



Both animations are pictures are added below.

  • Color:
    • Golden sparkling and crackling flame like that of a flower pot cracker
  • Texture:
    • sparkles and crackles wherever the spray kundalini bursting out from base chakra hit the membrane of the subtle body.


  • Feeling:
    • Different kind of bliss feeling, very neutral and a little hot.
    • Mild hot like several burning matchsticks fall upon the subtle body
    • Or it feels like a flower pot is lit inside the subtle body at the base chakra both up and down, and the fire specks are hitting randomly at the membrane of the sublt ebody and it burns at those spots. 



Vajrasana Pose


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