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Dance of Kundalini - 12: Side-Whole Body Kundalini (Padmasana)

This is a sequel to

  1. Dance of Kundalini -3: Master Database of All Kundalinis

Dance of Kundalini -3 is hyperlinked with all these posts.

All kundalinis listed in the above post are portrayed here with models and videos.


September 16, 2022, Houston, Texas

11:45 pm

Today, during morning session, while performing variations of Padmasana, this type of Kundalini struck. Even variations of Virasana can bring this type of Kundalini

The important Features of Side-Whole Body Kundalini are:

  • Only left or right side will be set in fire (here white flame)
  • Other side, it did not penetrate, as if there was a barrier that prevented it from going to other side.
    • Eventually in following poses, the barrier was not there and the energy moved around freely in both sides 
  • This is relatively a rare type, usually whole body happens frequently. Cases like side (this one),  Frontal and Back Whole Body are special cases which show different barriers, how Kundalini and prana moves around on certain days and in certain poses

Both animations are pictures are added below.

  • Color:
    • Pure Translucent White burning Flame in left half
  • Texture:
    • Burning Flame like texture
  • Feeling:
    • Cool bliss over the left side of the body

Important thing to note:

Padmasana Symmetry:

In the Padmasana, only my left leg is burning white kundalini, only half of the body. No element of right side was burning.

  • By Common thinking of symmetry in Padmasana thru naked eye, I thought some part of right leg on my left thigh might be burning.
  • But on checking, it burned only on left side. Look at the below picture! I consciously checked to make sure how the symmetry played out.
  • The barrier is left body and right body even in Padmasana. ( just like standing, in fact that's how nadis go)
  • Mind conditioned with Naked eye thinking can trick you. I checked with Kundalini vision to get the details right. 



Doing Padmasana is not only difficult, modelling it was even more difficult. It took 2-3 hours to get the model right.

  1. Every angle of ankle, sole, knee, thighs were measured from my Padmasana pose by touching and feeling my body.
  2. It is very non-linear, right and left joints will not be in the symmetry. Infact, all angles are different. 
  3. Once mastering Padmasana on one side, now trying to flip the legs is whole new learning again because the angles are different.
  4. Padmasana looks symmetrical to eyes, but it is never symmetrical mathematically. If it is constrained symmetry, one can't do Padmasana. 
  5. Lengths and ratio of different bones also determines the tightness of Padmasana.
  6. I will discuss more on Padmasana in Asana Series




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