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Compassion for the Guru

In a recent talk given by Yogi Madhavacharya where he was giving some insights in the life journey of a Spiritual teacher, it dawned on me somewhat of the hardship, sacrifice, trials and tribulations that a great soul has to go through to fight all odds of material nature to bring this knowledge of the Absolute Truth, Krishna to us. Yet, we take for granted this knowledge and carry about our life casually without any compassion for all the past and continued efforts the Spiritual teacher is making to present this knowledge and his divine direct experiences.

We may overlook that we may use a Guru like we use quick search engines on Youtube or Google for an answer or a solution to a problem, not realizing that the spiritual master is not some random artificial Intelligence designed to solve the complexities of our lives.

To come in contact with a great Spiritual teacher is often overlooked by us and we take for granted the knowledge and experience presented to us because of the familiarity and easy access to the Guru. This in turn robs us of understanding the great fortune we have in this life after possibly transmigrating for billions of years to be in the association of such a Guru.

Now the question is how to show gratitude for the greatest gift of all time presented by the spiritual teacher of his unadulterated work of the divine teachings of Krsna, which has the power to free us from this miserable material world if we inculcate the teachings, of course.

For me I see it fit in trying to live in total awareness and following the 8 fold path set out by the Buddha in order to be a genuine disciple to honor the Spiritual master by making him proud of all his hard work which I will never be able to understand. 

Being an obedient child makes the parents proud and carrying forth the teachings I learnt from my parents when on my own gives them a sense of satisfaction that they are successful as parents because of the outcome of the decisions and sacrifices which they have made in my upbringing. Similarly, if I adapt the teachings in my life which the Spiritual Master has given after his years and many lives of direct experience of the knowledge, then I will at least show some gratitude and compassion for the Spiritual teacher/Guru.

I have learnt that everything is exposed in the Astral world by the subtle body, so why should I be a hypocrite and think I can live a life in front of the the Guru as a saint but secretly be duplicitous. Knowing this has certainly humbled me and I pray and cry out for the grace energies from the Spiritual teachers and divine Supernatural Beings to be able to live up to the teachings of Sri Krsna as presented by the Guru.

Jai Sri Krishna!

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