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Comment on: Resentment Energy and Yogis/Yoginis


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Question is: Why does nature operate in this way, where someone may become a target for injection of negative energy randomly or incidentally by someone who has limited insight into how resentment is processed in the psyche?


Nature, as it is stated in the text already, has resentment energy within; this would be consistent through many other environments. Therefore, it is natural that this energy as the wind circulates somehow, sometime and somewhere. In my case and perhaps others, the issue is one that I have grappled with for so long. How to not identify with such sentiments and simply accept them for what they are, on a more consistent basis?


Probably because I am used to deriving gratification from dishing it out on others, I remain mesmerized by the devastating side effects of resentments when they boomerang right back at me. Particularly when these sentiments target gurus’ instructions they become a raging wildfire on sadhana. A meticulously and tenderly groomed platform for spirituality will be easily and abruptly burned to ashes.


Those specific situations are best looked and understood as an inability to follow said instructions in the first place. But accepting and understanding reality and one’s position within the scheme of existence I have found to be really very helpful in going with what may come instead of desperately gnawing at life.


From the simple forms of resentment energy to its more complex and devastating ones they are all formidable and nearly impossible to ward generally speaking. Those who can ricochet the flow of resentment energies are we learn not neutralizing them, but skillfully deflecting them in a different direction where they will be an arrow in the hearts of others, and might be the cause for their “self”-combustion as if doused in their own emotional flammables.


Such “self”-immolations, are indeed devastating as a nuclear blast and as explained in the original post can take up to even years to clear up. The toxic residues remain in with the self, festering as the victim is preoccupied pointing the figure as part of the failure to not identify with the particular sense of gratification and its counterpart sorrow.


In that sense, the individual’s neuropathways and abilities to respond to circumstances are also to be taken into consideration, and they, in turn, attest to his or her state of evolution when it comes to the level of preoccupation their mental state will primarily attract or be consumed by.


Growing up in Mali, I have seen what would be called guard dogs by Western standard, as would be the case in most Muslim or Arab cultures. Dogs are simply not allowed human standards of living, and generally speaking are on a leash until night them when they are released to roam the property and protect while the owners sleep.


When the blazing sun comes at the zenith, these animals become pitifully irritated, so outrageously aggravated, it desperately tries to cut loose. The animal does not have the leverage to free itself, and can only desperately bark and keep yanking the shackles, for hours on end, day after day.


As a human, I also lack the proper perspective into the adjuncts within the psyche and their relationships to other elements, within the larger purview of aloneness apart from all else. So it ultimately draws down to what Patanjali referred to as the kleshas please see the quote below fromPractice-Report


 “…Everyone is afflicted in this way with what is termed by Patanjali as the kleshas, which are the psychological afflictions which plague us life after life, and which is due to hazardous social associations with many entities using human or other types of mundane life forms.”



So, certainly, an effective handling of these sentiments indicates great advancement on this path!


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