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Ancestral Force Series-4: Types of Ancestral Enmities

March 2021 - December 2021

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Chennai, India

This is a sequel to  Ancestral Force Series-3: Ancestral Tug of War & Cut Throat Politics

Why predisposed ill-will & enmity?

The whole Mahabharata starts with a huge Ancestral lineage recounting several generations before Pandavas or Bhisma, starting from Brahma to Atri to Pururavas to Yayati and then several Puru, Yadu Lineages, etc. One can see the snake and ladder in game of thrones, how enmities and competition are leading to future births and karmic entanglements.

Even in Mahabharata, one can see the enmity brewing enmity between Pandavas, and Kauravas who are first cousins within the same family, and whose fathers are step-brothers (same father, different mothers).

Duryodhana, the eldest, and the rest of the Kauravas for some predisposed reason hated Pandavas from day one. From childhood, the 100 kaurava brothers constantly picked fights with Bheema and others of the 5 Pandava brothers. Yudhisthra always extended the olive branch and sought peace and friendship even in the direst of situations under Duryodhana but Bheema was the opposite, he would have torn their chest apart if Yudhishtra have given a nod, same with Arjuna, both are very aggressive and fights fire with fire. 

Why was there a predisposition of ill will and enmity from childhood?

The past life remnant energy of enmity and aggression follows life after life and karma bringing them together and ultimately it becomes a cock fight. started manifesting and fighting for clashing agendas.



3 Types of Ancestral Enmity

There are 3 main reasons for Ancestral enemies manifest birth after birth:

  1. Fighting for bones (opportunities) and clashing agendas:
    1. Fighting for power which ultimately leads to amassing excessive wealth and birth opportunities to their clan
      1. Eg: Pandavas vs Durhyaodhana: the Asuras, demonic ancestors of Kauravas were planning to fill the earth thru Duryodhana's win over Pandavas, and Krishna stopped it thru Pandavas.
      2. At this age, this happens in every family, more at the intra-family level than at the inter-family level.
    2. If it is just purely based on agenda or opportunity, one can reach a middle ground by negotiating the terms of settlement or sometimes even one side sacrificing their share for the larger good can lead to peace.
    3. Things will come back to normal in this life and even in future lives when the hankering debt is settled. One is lucky to get out of this loop of resentment. 
    4. Eg: Many ancestors are willing to be happy and satisfied (at least for time being) when their certain wishes are satisfied. An agreement can be reached over this and settle the dust. Eg: Marrying the ancestor's desired partner in the desired family will cool things down.
    5. Some deceased ancestors like to eat certain delicious food which may not even be palatable to the person's gut but still pressured to eat. When one complies to eat and undergoes the pain of indigestion, ancestors get satisfied with the food aroma and taste and release the psyche pressure. 
  2. Pure Ill-will, no Agenda, not for birth opportunities, wealth nor power (Fighting for the sake of fighting)
    1. Several lives enmity and ill-will again each other
      1. This can be at multiple stages:
        1. Inherently, there is an enmity code at Purusha (Personality) level between 2 atmas (core-selves) and transpires over universe after universe
        2. Prakriti (Nature) activates Purusha's certain hidden inimical codes (personality) in certain universes or astral dimensions.
        3. A pool of resentment energy from Prakriti and other entities is slipped into the limited entity's psyche and he/she becomes a pawn and victim of committing acts of aggression.
      2. Eg: Blessed lord Buddha and his cousin brother Devadatta: 
        1. Devadatta tried to kill Buddha by sending an elephant, rolling a rock, and also did severe austerities along with other great disciples not to reach arahantship but to divide the Sangha and inflict psychological pain on Buddha.
        2. Even in Buddha's previous life as Prince Vessantara who took the birth to perfect the generosity and charity (dana) on his road to Buddhahood, gave away literally everything, his white elephant, kingdom, wealth, etc, and lived in the forest like an ascetic with his wife and 2 kids. Still, Devadataa came and took away the 2 kids and Indra (Sakka) got worried about this and came down and asked Prince Vessantara's wife (Yashodara in previous life too) as charity fearing she might suicide in separation from her kids without her consent. Indra protected the Princess and gave back to Prince Vessantara at a later stage when the kids were reunited with Prince and he regained all the lost wealth and kingdom. 
          1. The evil Devadatta came in the form of an old ugly crooked brahmin and asked Prince Vessantara (Gautama Buddha) his 2 small kids (MoggalenaUtpalavarṇā) as his young wife's servants. The 2 small kids ran and hid in the lotus pond fearing the ugly Devadatta. Buddha gathered, consoled them, and gave them away to ugly Devadatta and he dragged the kids away with the ropes and inflicted severe pain and beatings. Devas (Angelic beings) come down at night to caress and console the 2 little kids when Devadatta goes to sleep.
      3. Birth after Birth, Devadatta's whole aim was to inflict pain for no reason, even the austerities he does is to inflict pain on Buddha. Why such an inherent ill-will at the atma level? It is cause-less
  3. Combination of both: Enimical Fighitng for Agenda + Pure ill-will (Fighting for sake of fighting)
    1. This is sadly the case, most of the time. Either side has to come down to the larger good for prescribed virtues. 
    2. Sometimes, if it is just purely based on agenda or opportunity, one can reach a middle ground by negotiating the terms of settlement or sometimes even one side sacrificing their share for the larger good and reach peace. Things will come back to normal in this life and even in future lives when the hankering debt is settled. One is lucky to get out of this loop of resentment. 
    3. But, even after settling the debt or one side is willing to sacrifice their share for the larger good, still the settlement could not be reached and the other side wants complete destruction not just in this life but in life after life, that is pure ill-will.
    4. The evil side eventually will go to lower realms and hells for quite some time (or eons) and the other side should make sure not to hover over such lower terrestrial realms where there is a possibility to kick start the karmic loop again

Prince Vessantara (Buddha's past life) Jātaka Story can be read here: 


Devas take care of Vessantara's children from evil Devadatta's torture when he is asleep.


The ancestral fight between Mother-in-Law & Daughter-in-Law: 

It is typical in many cultures for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to fight, especially in Indian cultures they get quite amplified and out of control especially due to the women-oriented family culture and joint family setups. We may sometimes hear Father-in-law vs son-in-law fights, even if we hear they are almost nothing when compared to the intensity and frequency of these women's fights.

Caught between these crossfires are the husbands, in my case, I was caught as a son. My father is existentially not strong enough to handle the fierceness of my mother and more over his mother was even more powerful. My father left both my mother and his mother and stayed far away from home in the name of work all his life. Tension levels are always higher between these women!


The paternal grandmother kicked her daughter-in-law (my mother) out of the house due to predisposed ill-will for more than 25 years ago and they never see her face to face, but still, the anger and vengeance are burning in their heart. My mother raised me saying one day you should grow so big, and powerful and stand in front of them, in sheer shame they should cover their face and beg for pardon for the sins they committed against you and me. Yeah, she was superimposing her alleged injustice over me too and she was poisoning my mind from childhood with all her stories and how evil and unmasculine my dad was for not standing up for her.

My mother planted poison and ill will into my psyche targeting my paternal grandparents and my dad. Certain resentment towards my dad stuck with me but not towards my paternal parents, I personally have no karma or bones to pick with them, but the seeds grew into plants now, and looking for the target and the target is the one who sowed it. I am struggling for years to deroot it from my psyche and I am staying a considerable distance away from my mother to prevent any conflicts and make me accruing bad karma.


Getting caught between Ancestral Enmity:


A laity has a deluded thinking that all fights come to end when the opponent dies. My mother was no exception, when her mother-in-law died in the ripe old age of the late 80s, she thought she died due to her injustice towards her and will go to hell and now she can have peace of mind.

The fact is if she was alive she might have had relatively more peace of mind, now after leaving her physical body, she is 100% psychic and she enters the close relative's bodies at will and infusing resentment energies and inflicting 1000 times pain on her easily. As her direct blood relatives, I and my dad were her victims and weapons to target my mom.

I laugh at my mother, what crap have you done to your mother-in-law in previous lives, why is she haunting you like a ghost and vowed to make you cry. Most probably, my mother would have committed the same sinful acts upon her in a past life as a mother-in-law and now roles are switched and she is getting the music. I observed she started doing the same sinful past life activities towards my newly married spouse, I easily recognized this and put the brake on her behavior. She resented and cursed me for limiting her extravagant rights to her daughter-in-law which Indian culture gives, she tried all shenanigans but this only led to more and more embarrassment for her.

I did ask her to let go of the ill will and extend the olive branch to her deceased mother-in-law but she is adamant. Several more lives, they are gonna fight with each other. 

Deceased Mother-in-law vs Daughter-in law Fight

Mother-in-law vs Daughter-in law Fight continues ever after death.


Generally, my deceased paternal grandmother comes with other relatives and friends into my body or vicinity to choose a spouse of their will which will be the direct opposite of my mother's will. I would tell them that it is not possible to cross my mother's wish because that's how my Guru wanted it to be done and then they get disgusted and instills resentment energy directed only towards my mother who is the roadblock here.

I will hold for a few days to weeks, but day and night, this deceased idiotic cabal keeps piling up resentment energy and now I need to release it to relieve the throbbing pain in my psyche, just like a dam releasing excess water to save itself.  

I would generally call my mother to ask about the matrimonial progress and obviously, she declined several matches due to whimsical reasons, this will aggravate the ancestral cabals even more and they give the final push of resentment energy which cannot be held any longer by me.

I will then crack a few jokes about how no one wants to marry me and make her laugh and slowly I would give heads-up to my mother that her beloved mother-in-law has come and pushed resentment energy into my head which I feel like splitting my head and I need to release and sorry for what is going to happen now. This is only for you, I can't give it to anyone else. 

Then I would spit fire and scorch my mother with words until she cries. I am subtly aware of what's going on and observing everything from atma location, so I could brake at the right time. when the overriding power goes down even for a moment. The moment, she cries due to my unbearable words, suddenly the throbbing headache miraculously vanishes. I feel guilt as my body is used for such sinful activities and then I would console her and make her laugh. She would say "this idiot has the multiple-personality disorder and take him to a doctor, one instant he yells, and the next instant he cajoles me. What's wrong with you?". She never integrated the concept of deceased ancestors' ability to hijack the body and use it for their whims.

I have shocked my mother by uttering the exact same words as my paternal grandmother and she would say "Holy Crap! That's her, that's what she used to tell me in the 1980s when I was came newly married".

The maternal granny once asked me to kick my mother while boarding a vehicle and take her handbag and throw out of the moving vehicle. I was easily in a position to thwart such activities easily but I can't say how many people have that immunity.  I immediately told my mother that her sweet deceased mother in law is asking me to kick her in the back and throw her handbag from the moving vehicle. Her face turned red and she said in shock "The same thing happened in 1990, she kicked me in the back while getting down from the bus and threw my handbag once, that's her!". 

Constantly the deceased paternal granny utters psychically "Make her cry! Make her cry!". 

She goes on to say psychically:

"Don't forget who you are!

How many times have you made her cry?

Do it more! Make her cry!

You make the decision! Make her Cry!".   

I rebutted the deceased granny by saying, "That's the setup and I need to follow my mother's wishes, I can't come in between to change things. Go away for now"

I told my mother these phrases and asked my mother why does she keeping says this all the time to me, what was between you guys?

My mom was gulping and saying "How do you know these things? Why are you being in touch with her? How come she could not influence me but influence you and you are acting like her puppet? That's why I am asking you to stop yoga, eat meat and not follow these gurus. Yeah, true! That's her signature phrase, she curses me day and night and makes me cry. Unless I cry that day, she would not go to sleep." 

I asked her where did it all start and my mom said "I don't know she was predisposed to me from the beginning, forcefully married me to her son, and started hating me from day one, I don't get her".

I did warn her that "Death is not the end of the story and you guys have several bones to pick with each other. Don't pretend to be naive and put this innocent face on. I know how criminal you are and how lethal you could be from past lives, go and reform instead of retelling the same innocent narrative to yourself and others. Start emitting friendly loving, and forgiving thoughts instead hatred and vengeance toward your mother-in-law."

As expected she freaked out and cursed me "You go to hell for questioning my integrity and falsely accusing his own mother"

Both entities won't change and wait to bite each other necks in coming births and after death. I am only concerned about how to escape from this loop with minimal damage. 



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