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Play of Prakriti Series-1: Talk of Immigrants-1: Chosen One!

26 September, Houston, Texas

Prakriti or Prakruti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति IAST: prakṛti) is the primordial subtle and gross material nature.

All levels from Brahmaloka (Abode of Brahma, the creator) to Heavens (Indraloka) to Earth (Our planet) to all nether worlds (hell) are just manifestations, degree of certain energies and compositions of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature.

Prakriti is little more than conventional usage of English Nature because Nature usually describes only collective observable properties of gross material nature, whereas Prakriti is gross material nature + subtle material nature with all unobservable energies. 

The whole creation was created by Brahma by playing with the potential and kinetic energy of Prakriti or primordial subtle and gross material nature. Prakriti was there even before Brahma or this creation even happened, it is just that each creator or Brahma when he begins creation, he plays with this pre-existing energy.


This is a rare occasion and a beautiful setup that does not happen so very often.

After a business meeting, we went for lunch together.

This was the composition of the lunch:

  1. Taiwanese Lady, age: mid-40s
  2. US-Taiwanese man, age: late-30s
    1. Born and Raised in Austin, Texas and but now settled in Taiwan for over a decade
  3. Cambodian immigrants moved to the US as refugees, 30-40 years ago, age: 60+
  4. Ethnicity: US-Peru-Cuban, first-generation US citizen age: 60+
    1. Father from Peru and Mather from Cuban and they met in New York
    2. He is on the fence, he can switch between being pure American and also like an immirgrant
  5. Indian Immigrant, age: 30+
  6. White Caucasian American, age: late 30s

In this setting, the odd one was my boss who was American and every other person was an immigrant or still hold on to the immigrant mentality.

4 interesting stories, I will share here just transpired during lunch and I felt it was very revealing.

  1. Real Refugee
    1. Cambodia
    2. Nepali-Bhutanese
  2. Chosen One
    1. Cambodian Chosen One
    2. Indian Chosen One
  3. Crying in Grocery Store
  4. Passion vs Practicality


Real Refugee:

This was narrated by the Cambodian. He came to the US as a refugee 30-40 years ago. He was saying he was a real refugee, unlike today who cross the border and come as a refugee. The refugee definition changes with each country's law and UN regulations, but it was interesting to listen to his story.

When Vietnam occupied Cambodia during 1978-1989 war, he said all Cambodians became refugees in their own land. They had no government, no benefits, and no sovereignty and were roaming like refugees in their own land. It was interesting to see how one refugee sees other refugees. The degree of refugeeness does play a role. 

Nepali-Bhutan Refugee:

Similar story, I learned from a Bhutanese-Nepali man in a restaurant. For 3-4 generations, these were Indian or Nepali ethnic people who moved to Bhutan land when the border was still not formulated by the British. The recent Bhutan Kingdom during the 2005-10 time period, just removed all the non-Bhutanese ethnic people away from Bhutan land and kicked them out of the land, and disenfranchised them as non-citizens overnight. This crisis was going on from the 1980s or even before.

UN brought these refugees to the UK, France, and the USA. They speak very very good English, I asked how come you speak so well. He said the UN refugee camp gave them amazing education in temporary schools and was willing to send them to foreign countries for education, he was happy that even Bhutan schools can't offer such education.

Many of them are running Nepali or Indian restaurants now in the US and leading a peaceful life with all benefits of first world country.  But these people say we don't care about all these benefits of a first-world country, we just want to go back to our homeland Bhutan, that's our home. I said but they have taken all your properties and home, a long time ago. He chuckled and said who cares about properties, every night, I dream about my homeland Bhutan. He also said they were real refugees.

Some atmas can't be freed from certain attractions to certain terrains even if Prakriti puts them away for some reason. It was interesting!


*Disclaimer: all these images were taken from internet

Chosen One!


This was an interesting story too.

Cambodian man was stating that he was the chosen one, nope, his uncle was the real chosen one!

We all had an empty face! Tehn, he explained the Chosen One meaning to us.

As in developing countries like Cambodia, China, India,etc, the family chooses one person among others and invests all the lifelong savings on him and also other siblings need to sacrifice their education, dress, food, expense to some or full degree to benefit the chosen one. The Chosen one is sent to higher education in foreign lands or to get some decent job domestically. And the Chosen One's responsibility is to uplift the entire family or clan.

So, he said his Uncle was the chosen one in his family and he was sent to France because Cambodia was a French colony and he apparently came to the University of Texas, Austin from France for education in the 60s sometime. So, the refugees can come to US as long as someone can sponsor them from the US and his uncle sponsored him to come in 80s. So, he and his uncle was a chosen one!

At the end of the story, all immigrants at the table were smiling because we were also the chosen ones. Haha!

Similar Chosen Ones in India:

One of my distant relative uncles in India was raised near a mountain. None of his family members were educated and they were agriculture workers. This was back in the 60s-80s, his mom and his 3 sisters sacrificed their education for their brother and went to do some daily wage agriculture jobs to support their elder brother's education and ambitions. (generally, back in the day, the culture was why women need education when men itself is uneducated, so the decision was easy).

Later on, my distant uncle went on to work and study literally like a donkey, he became a civil engineer and was working in Bhutan, Nepal all remote difficult areas, and climbed up the ladder and became a super-wealthy person now. He has a tonne load of money and uplifted all his sisters, mother, and their sister's daughters and paid them heavily back in gold for wedding, properties, and cash.

That's how Chosen one works in developing countries, they have to come back and uplift the clan!

It all looks like a happy ending with Chosen One! But let me extend it a little bit...


Now, the entire family is split and biting each other's neck, fighting for their property and money. Poverty was painful but at least they were united in poverty but now they are split and war-mongering with each other with the arrival of wealth.

Sisters claim more share of their brother's property because they say whatever he has is the fruit of their sacrifices and struggle.

Brothers claim they never studied properly and it was all his hard work and pain. Anyway, he said it was not worth investing in them when they had enough resources for only one because they hardly studied. Sisters deny the argument, they say it doesn't matter whether I studied or not, I sacrificed my right to benefit you, now give it back in my terms and conditions. Both are right, what to do!

His mother looted all her son's property in their hometown and secretly split between their daughters and she passed away. Now, his sisters refuse to give back property and they claim more. Chosen One has no peace! haha!

Already, similar events have started in my life, haha!

End of the day who owns the body or even the opportunities one gets?

These people transfer their good deeds (Good karma, Punya) to Chosen One, only to come back and suck back all the Good Fruits (Palam) of the combined deeds.

I am already getting this rap from my family and women have started to claim back or have taken their shares already.

So, who owns the body?

How much does one own his own action and or its consequences?

In every developed country's family, the modus operandi is the "Chosen One" strategy. There are not just enough resources to support everyone's dreams and sacrifices is every person's day-to-day affairs (degree of sacrifice will of course change). These are third-world country problems and their karma! 

Astral Aspect:

In the astral side, all the strategy of Chosen one and other benefactors are laid out and taken birth to sequentially enjoy the combined benefits and struggles.

  • But the Prakriti may or may not honor the agreement or Chosen plan all the time
  • And the atmas also might break subtle world agreement in the physical world in a different time
  • The atmas might ask for more than what was agreed
  • Then family deities for each clan will interfere and discipline them
  • But everything was already planned years even before one takes a birth

This is from my own astral expereince.

In the coming posts, I will discuss the other topics. 

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