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inSelf Yoga & The Scientific Process

A difference between the scientific and yogic processes is the organizational structure. 

I’d akin the yogic organizational structure to that of a top-down, given the dogmatic nature of any such system. 

The scientific process on the other end is set in globalized or universal terms and modalities. Within that system, theories can be contemplated and adapted without creating (and this is critical) doctrinal schisms, such as personalists vs impersonalists (which is of personal interest to me).

Of course, science is not yoga, one is not the other and they need to remain different. But I believe that the naturally hailed position of the gurus or leaders and what they teach/prescribe are fundamental or gospel to the student.

I am saying that the lack of that rapport in science between accomplished researchers and beginners puts the scientific mind at ease for discovery and risk-taking towards advancements.

To be clear, the mere consideration and discussion of this topic are even only possible on InSelf Yoga by the grace or advanced insight of RishiDeva Michael Beloved! He always, even prior to the internet, allowed access by his students to information/books, taped lectures… they may research and acquire from other spiritual teachers and techniques. 

He systematically encouraged research with the benefit of insightful observations and comprehensive as well as personalized and self transparent reporting! His approach to advancing on or forging the path is scientific in that way, yet also adapted to the mindset of inSelf Yoga. Such attitude or approach would amount to heresy per all other paths I know of. 

There is still more opening needed in order for students to truly feel the scientific vibe of advancement through research and observation. I am confident that it will be achieved. 

The world is primed and ready for a path that however much subtle can also demonstrably show that the soul is not a figment of the imagination and that it can be intuited by anyone honestly trying inSelf Yoga, with a broader definition of meditation and the stages or characteristics of liberation or great advancement.

That is my prayer, as I feel that RishiDeva Michael Beloved has factually laid down as much as anyone can reasonably desire and also beyond, the foundation for this progression. It is IMO an exemplary and unique contribution to the world of yoga, spirituality, and science.

Dandavats RishiDeva!

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