Comment to 'Naad in Forehead'
Comment to Naad in Forehead

    In their association he gets some of the subtle counterpart of the food which they cook and share out.




    Link: emeran-mayer-on-depression-and-the-mind-gut-connection



    What makes it even more intriguing is that more than 95% of our body’s serotonin is produced and stored in the gut in specialized enterochromaffin cells, says Dr Mayer, adding: “By far the largest store of the molecule that plays such a big role in modulating our mood and our wellbeing – also appetite, pain sensitivity – is stored in the gut.”


    2 Main points:

    ·        Foodstuff have a subtle counterpart. 

    ·        Foodstuff affects our state of mind.


    What is eaten and processed in the bodily system can have a direct influence on meditation. Those nutrients upon entering the body act on the subtle bodily system and therefore influence the psyche. The very dynamics of psychic processes are concerned.


    So the nature of the food will also have an impact on the hormonal quality used by the life force. Practice is affected in this way as well.