Comment to 'Boris is done?'
Comment to Boris is done?
  • From an US perspectice it is humbling. But in an ancient well functioning democracy like the UK he was always a man subject to the laws of the land. Plus there is a royalty! He did have the sense to apologize to the queen. He is easily removed and replaced. 

    And this is all because he lied about having a boozing party or two, and of course that was in violation of the covid restrictions.So now the joke is on him. Even his own party isn't having it. Not only party over, but his party is over him lol!

    On the other hand here in the US there is somehow this notion that it is a the model of democratic norms in the world, an entire party (one the two prominents ones) is nilly willy contradicting their most fundamental values over the pathological stream of lies and insanities (and conspiracy theories) of a raving lunatic, as they follow him like a cult leader. 

    No humility there so far, rather total demagogery! But providence may cut his rope short soon though, as he is definitely getting a run for his money (pun intended), in the court systems.