Comment to 'Illusion is Reality?'
  • Interesting piece of documentary.He asks towards the end if it is all worth it?IMO, that's besides the point, since it is not preventable.Many had an issue with using cell phone and the internet of all things just a little over a decade ago. Now, it's either use it or be left out of family, friend and even work circles.

    For those interested in deep introspection however, there will always be the question of how best can they further their spiritual development. And, one needs to bear in mind that by the next rebirth, human and machine would have already likely achieved symbiosis, and humans would effectively be cyborgs soon (with machine integrated parts/apendages).

    That may represent a serious challenge to passive old core-self, if it should need to self realize. But it doesn't have to, and that may not make any difference.

    So, illusion can be reality, since time is relative and ultimately illusory. Yet both concepts of permanence and impermanence are time depend. And, from the standpoint of the core self, it is all accomplished and future illusion, as well as simultaneously consequence bearing reality nonetheless.