Comment to 'Slavery in the Insect Kingdom'
  • Loved! Absolutely amazed! By Nature, and how human behaviors are also obviously handled by her.It is all one and the same dramatics from the ants up to ourselves.There is nothing else in this life per se beyond Nature and her actions.

    • Again wow!

      But I must wonder. How is this any different, aside from appearances, from a coreself being nilly willy subjugated to slaving/ carrying for lineages of ancestors, once it has been taken into a family line.

      Where the dominant ants use chemicals / pheromones, we humans use emotions / feelings, and both are manufactured by Nature through hormonal productions.

      The results of the takeovers are impressively complete and thorough! The servants don’t have a hint of suspicion. They live and serve, and glorify in it. Service to the clan is their alma matter.