Comment to 'Dance of Kundalini - 8: Chest Burst Kundalini'
  • Ok, your response suggests that your post(s) is specific to your practice only, and another practitioner may have a similar or different experience. Using words such as “only”, “cannot”, “every”, and giving specific time durations without context suggests that you are taking an authoritative position on the subject matter, hence my question.

    For example, I deduce from your response that you meant the following:

    • For me, this happens only when sitting upright in Virasana...
    • To me, this is a special type of Kundalini. (“Special” is a very subjective word—what is special for you may not be special to another, etc.)
    • In my opinion, Agnisara cannot trigger this experience. (Someone may caution you to keep practicing and see if you develop a different conclusion. Also, using “cannot” is very bold and you must be prepared to defend whenever you use this word. It might be best to say something like “I don’t think Agnisara can trigger this experience”…this leaves room for further debate.)
    • It is my opinion every other kundalini including whole-body kundalini can be done with Agnisara but not the chest burst. (Every includes all kundalini rises and someone will challenge this position since it is a very bold and conclusive statement. Using “not” says that this will never happen under any circumstance. My first thought was, how do you know this to be a fact for yourself much less for others? Someone may also caution you to keep practicing and see if this conclusion changes.)
    • Kundalini triggered a burning sensation at my chest as shown
    • For me, this burning sensation last up to 30 seconds or 30 minutes. (For my experience, it was an intense tingly sensation of sorts that felt AMAZING and seemed to have lasted through the night—I kept falling in and out of sleep to the same sensation—I shifted back and forth to an astral environment where huge beams of light were blasting through my eyes each time I opened them like the X-Men character Cyclops. That was by far, one of the most profound experiences I have had to date.)

    I would say that the gaps noted about is due to English not being your first language, but you will only get better in time and with each post. Overall, I applaud you for taking such detailed notes and I appreciate you for sharing. Keep up the good work!