Comment to 'Dance of Kundalini - 8: Chest Burst Kundalini'
  • All the post in Dance of Kundalini is based on Prana Vision.

    Prana Vision develops over time, only with prana visions, we can exactly spot the areas and boundaries.

    1. Which postures trigger the kundalini experience?
    • Each asana or posture targets a specific area.
    • I mentally record or note each posture and it's effect
    • I redo it and test to see if it generates that specific effect.(trial & error method)
    • Beauty of any posture is that it targets a specific area by nature!
      • Take any posture, turn your neck→ the one side of neck joint is targeted, your attention goes there
      • Now, see the effect on your psyche or subtle body
      • With the stiffness or attention transfer to neck, can you use that to move the prana or kundalini or astral energy else where within the body, that's the big question you have to seek within during the practice?
      • What you do with attention transfer in each posture is the question one must seek in the practise?

        2. About time duration?

    When I start my practice, I note the time. In fact, I have a good track how many minutes or hours of practice I do everytime.

    In higher dimensions of practice, the time dilations easily happen, but nevertheless sense of time in this dimension is necessary. 

    I know my general time

    • for each pose
    • between each pose
    • start and end of Samyama
      • how long it took for pratyahara (noted from clock)
      • how long it took for dharana (mental note from sense of time)
      • Dhyana & Samadhi (this is where time dilation happens, I will come back and subtract the time from previous readings)