Comment to '2 Types of Buddhist Enlightenment'
  • After watching this video, the energy took me to the biography book of Acharya Khao (main student of Acharya Mun). I read in few hours by the pull of the energy. Learned ton load of techniques from the book for purification. But one thing stood out when I finished the book.

    He had an intesersting definition of nirvana. Acharya Khao says end of the hankering for rebirth here or there for dersires is called nirvana. It sounded like freely floating around without any compulsion for rebirth in comfortable or troublesome Worlds.

    And Acharya Mun was appearing to him day and night even after he reaching his nirvana. Buddha also appears to him time to time.

    In the pali cannons, Buddha defines nirvana as the ultimate goal where the nirvana is absolute of exitinguishment of once existence like blowing of the candle flame. Buddha asks where did the the flame go blown away? Which direction? That’s how once existence has to extinguish. That’s Buddha’s original aim.

    So, a sincere question to you @Marcia Beloved, since you are senior Thai Buddhist follower and has close ties with acharya Mun lineage masters.

    So, have they reinvented or readapted oringal nirvana (complete extinguishment) to state of no compulsive rebirths in this world or sensous worlds and mastering absolute sense control?

    This is a sharp evolution of nirvana in Theravada buddhism.

    Please share your insights!