Comment to '2 Types of Buddhist Enlightenment'
  • Thanks for sharing!

    I enjoyed it, went into mindfulness state of losing body consciousness while listening to these Buddhist talks.

    Buddhism and my life are entwined life after life, so not surprised that I enjoyed and benfited from the talk.

    Acharya Mun biography does talk about meeting six buddhas including our Gautama Buddha with his arahants for the next 6 days after his enlightenment. Each Buddha with their own set of arahants come and visit him and have a cute little fun conversation as a form of greeting!

    But Acharya Mun says Buddhas come out of the nirvana or extinguishment of existence to conventional reality to relate with people of this side and they can got back to nirvana again.

    First time, I too heard today in the video that psychically relating to higher spiritual beings like buddhas is also a form of enlightment and it is very hard to achieve and extinguishment is comparatively easier path.

    This is interesting because Theravada Buddhism stresses heavily cessation of existence not in accessing spiritual worlds, it is more acceptable in Mahayana Buddhism and Vajrayana (Tibet) Buddhism.

    Infact, Buddha stresses in Theravada Buddhism that people should not come to his path for the intention of becoming deity. Acharya Mun is an exception and no ordinary entity, so not sure how the rules apply in his case. Deities and Devas used to visit him so often to get his advice on many subjects, so by default he must be a higher entity from higher worlds.