Yes, the analogy in the Gita according to the interpretation we accept consists of the individual soul and the supreme soul on the branch of existence, but respectively involved and unaffected.
Adi Sankaracharya’s interpretation of the analogy that is the intellect and the core self is more inline with the depiction of the psyche’s constellation in Kriya practice and its complementary literature as expanded upon by Rishi Michael.
There is the occasional representation of Krishna in conjunction with the naad sound, but that could be partly symbolic. Otherwise, even naad isn’t considered a consistent connection to Krishna. And, god is not a permanent or constitutional feature of individual psyches.
The conundrum dunks my psyche in a pickle juice! The jiva(atma) being a passive observer can also be considered nonimplicated, when isolated from the rest of the psyche. Understandably there can be different definitions of terminologies depending on contexts and schools of thought with their differences in semantics.