Comment to 'Value of Fathers'
Comment to Value of Fathers
  • Very poignant presentation. He keeps it real! It’s good to hear the data.

    His presentation doesn’t and wasn’t aimed at picking at certain reasons for the situation. He is speaking from the standpoint of a conscientious father, and that is commendable and helpful.

    The feminism movement missed its mark when it defined woman according the the male scale instead of women’s own unique contribution to the household and society. Therefore the two became competitors from the cooperation of the bygone days. Women in the US society by and large see it as a weakness to depend on a man to raise kids. They should depend on each other.

    And the US court system undervalues men’s contribution beyond the child support. And it is overall biased toward empowering women more than any other society! I don’t see the issue getting better rather worse by the years.

    and how come all the years of learning in school are spent about getting a career, and not one hour gets spent on how to be a responsible parent or partner?