Comment to 'Putin Explains Himself'
  • Putin explained himself. And, that was quite a mouthful. The fact is that, for him to go as far back as he did is clear proof that this man plays the long game and never saw what happened to his country acceptable right after the cold war.

    His prime objective is to create a cold war his own style, so that he gets to setle scores. He strategically killed or neutralized all opposition, no one will be able to object to Putin’s revolutionary war, hopefully not a WW III.

    He is a political idealogue and is guided by honor and the desire to leave a legacy, it is all about him. He is ready to do this because he has been working on this forever! And in his explanation it is clear that his plan is to make the USSR great again.

    However, Biden was not in power then, and is proving to be a seasoned politician and a strategist. Too bad for him Trump didn’t get to stay any longer. It is very tempting to further deride Trump and his followers at this point, but I will pass. Anyways, it is what is, the powers that be like power play.

    Naturally, now even Xi will see it in his interest to shake hands with Russia, only one party remains chaste to the propagation of democracy as well as being conscientious of world history or what they can make of it.