Comment to 'Behavior'
Comment to Behavior
  • Okay, now I get the analogy. Thanks for bringing it to attention!

    Looking at how silly the 1 lb shoe effectively tames a 4 x 400 lb lion is interesting. 

    I have recorded a similar incident in the psyche: 

    At 0:33 s, When the male lion bites the female lion's back to let go of the jacket and help humans free up was factual and true.

    Human bodied person             →  Core-Self

    Male Lion Bodied Person        →  Buddhi/ Intellect

    Female Lion Bodied Person   →   Kundalini

    Shoe                                       →   Insult or Disciplining Energy

    Using one adjunct to fight against another fellow adjunct to free up core-self. It does work well. We call it Distraction! 

    When Core-self is playing tug of war with Kundalini against sexual or sensual pleasure, I have used buddhi to bite Kundalini's back by flashing harsh consequences or striking insult energy from core-self or from others to let go of the rope and make a core-self win.

    When adjuncts can conspire against core-self, they can also fight within themself. Core-self can also create mutiny among adjuncts and eventually weaken and conquer them.

    But, after the mutiny, the core self has to face a bigger enemy who has won the mutiny which is Buddhi!

    It is better to fight one on one fight vs one on many fight!

    I generally put Buddhi (male lion) against Kundalini (Female lion) to make a core-self win or tame Kundalini with insult or disciplining energy (shoe) or distract kundalini from gross to subtler things!

    0:38 s, in this approach when Kundalini (lioness) doesn't get what it wants, it will retaliate and throw tantrums at every adjunct and emit a disgust or unsatisfaction energy.

    0:45 s, Core-self (human) just rejected those and feels proud and happy of being let go by Kundalini (Lioness).

    0:58 s, Ultimately, Kundalini (lioness) goes back to rest again at her Muladhara base chakra (shade) with a long face waiting for the next oppurtunity.