Comment to 'Digital Africa'
Comment to Digital Africa
  • According to Odinga during his interview "we were the first guineapig in this experient in 2013, then they came back into the elections of 2016, but by then they had perfected the art of manipulating data". 

    No sh*t! That places them ahead of the U.S. because it's not until way into 2016 that the U.S. authorities came to understand what happened during the elections, by none other than the same very companies that were hired out to do what they have accomplished. 

    And, later confirmed by Cambridge Analytica's whistleblower, Christopher Wylie. But all much after the British Secret Intelligence Service had gathered testifying information to include so many sources pointed at.

    So, now after the use of commandoes to effect coups for generations in order to put in place corrupt leaders that would see to their interests at the expense of their nations, Western countries can now use digital manipulation of the masses to easily accomplish their will in Africa.

    What is more worrisome in Africa as it pertains to digital manipulation is the ominous subversion by terrorist groups of the political rhetoric and basically taking possession in the background, thereby threatening the autonomy of some nations. 

    The U.S. is showing much less of a concern recently for the situation. Because after all, the terrorist, for the time being, has failed to establish a caliphate and see a great opportunity to get their way through, this that Mr. Odinga qualified as a universal threat to democracy...

    it remains to be seen if France since the Sahel Summit will be in a better position to defend the concerned countries, while the population and the political are being digitally corrupted through in my personal experience for a couple of years through WhatsApp in connection with relatives in Mali.     

    But different situations are exploited by the digital phase and helplessly so. These include the genocide of the Rohingya Muslim nation of Maynnmard, for which AungSan Suu Kyi attended the case brought against her country's military by the Gambian Justice Minister, Aboubacar Tambadu. And, several other nationwide nefarious interferences across the globe, as well as fake news and disinformation leading to conspiratorial theories.