Comment to 'kids out of school before covid?'
  • Yes, it is about streams of consciousness! 

    And, they are but only reflecting in the echo-chambers. In their diversity and complexity different streams of consciousnesses are naturally and conveniently exploiting available mediums or environments, in order to reneact their past lives in the present setting(s). And so things cannot be easily contrasted, especially since an overall broader perception is necessary.

    So the neonazis today for the most part are individuals who in past lives were also invested in such movements, the same goes for religious folks, and pretty much anything else. The Natives Americans who were defending their land, being offended at the core of their ways of life are also of the same mindset that are primarily born amongs them now … 

    Those who lynched Africans back then still harbor such instincts and can easily repeat the act even in most abhorrent ways, as depicted in the recent trial of Ahmaud Arbery, kind of a repeat of Emmet Till’s barbaric lynching.  

    And, we can notice now openly that there are extreme right wing organizations online. There are many different organizations online for any and all sorts of topics, issues and concerns. It seems that as all organism instinctively form groups since the beginning of life, that now the same tendency is replicated on the subtle level with the aid of the internet of all things.

    There have always been those who also stood against science and its dictates on reality; initially scientists were persecuted. Those two tendencies are still in the human spyche! There is always polarity or divergence (aside from convergence), and so the same goes for vaccine refusal, hesitancy and acceptance

    So long as there been any concepts there have been different considerations, so long as vaccines existed there also was its rejection. The norms will always be challenged by its corresponding conspiratorial theories. History repeats itself, and we seem as a species very connected to its ebbs and flows as well as mostly helpless. 

    One can only attempt and hopefully be victorious in not becoming overwhelmingly swayed by such waves or greatly minimize their pull one way or the other. And, this should not and does not have to be out of neglect or incapacity but consideration, understanding and evolution from within the spyche.


    17 moments in the long, turbulent history of vaccine skepticism


    Vaccine hesitancy is nothing new. Here’s the damage it’s done over centuries

    Disclaimer: “I do not vouch for these editorials ad their narratives, they are used as illustrations. I do not advise whether to believe or not the facts or fake facts they relate. ”