Comment to 'Yoga Fails the Elderly?'
  • I expect that there will be a period of disconnect or inability to completely follow practice routines to a lesser or greater degree in advanced age and then into the transition posthumous.

    I accept that many of these tedious inconveniences and terrible annoyances are due to using a physical body, and that the situation will be different with just a subtle body minus the gross.

    Ultimately, I believe that by regular practice is developed an attachment to the process, that will serve as a reminder in order to reconnect at any point in one’s future with the practice and the association of yogis.

    Apparently, some yogis have gotten old and remained exalted throughout the life of their bodies, but more than likely they did not have the transparency or self-honesty to publish details of something as simple and perhaps benign as the fallibility of their body.

    One should still take good care of the body as much as possible, while not identifying with it, and avoid complacency towards the practice of advanced yoga. Such attitude and adherence will create the necessary beneficial instinctual links favoring yoga through the big transition.