Comment to 'Magic Birth'
Comment to Magic Birth
  • Amazing!

    He is using AI for immediate impact today on our lives and day to day problem. Big gap and exceptional execution, big companies have struggled, he is doing it like a brushing his teeth. Extraordinary!

    He is not looking into more deeper like what deep mind is doing. DeepMind is not interested in immediate impact and Google board of directors are complaining that they are sucking millions of dollars and give no profit but CEO backs them for now. 

    How did you call this a magic birth?

    The environment in which he grew? Even other kids grew but they were not like him. 

    1. The grade of buddhi organ?
    2. The grade of Kundalini organ?
    3. Or the atma was exceptional at this?
    4. Or he is carrying a past life impetus in this field?

    What made him exceptional here? Please explain.