Comment to 'Digital Stress'
Comment to Digital Stress
  • He makes some godd points for his cause.

    But Medical Stress to be addressed first!

    I have two medical doctors in the family (and a dentist). I believe that my sister doctor / surgeon hasn't been able to have a child unlike others in the family primarily due to the stress involved in the lifestyle. It's that bad.

    I think that the level of sleep deprivation and exploitation these "poor" human beings undergo particularly in this country is uncautionable!

    It's been next level sleep deprivation for the longest! And, that should even be antitethical to their motus operandus to begin with as medical doctors.

    How can they expect to be operating on or to even take good care of anything, being so much sleep deprived their entire professional career (after the formative, exploitative lengthy years medical residency).

    And then we have heard of the Wall Stree Financiers who have been known to sleep under their desks at work to that they place funds in foreign markets on different time zones around the globe!

    The rat race is all over the place. Each one only knows what they are going through.

    However, the pandemic seems to have given the intellect to do some thinking and that is resulting in what is currently named the great resignation (from the job market).Folks have had it! They are it seems beginning to see the light.