Comment to 'Naad Switching'
Comment to Naad Switching
  • Michael wrote: This applies to the hearing sense, where either the right or left side will be the most dominant sense. It is on that side usually that the yogi will most frequently hear naad.

    Dean's comment/question: I rate/measure my daily practice on how frequent or infrequent that the core-self connects with Naad during each session. Oftentimes during sessions, I primarily hear Naad a few postures into the session as I apply the locks and turn my neck to the left I can hear Naad blaring on the left side of the subtle head. However later on in the sessions usually on the final posture before I sit to meditate. I do one of the most aggressive postures to end the session which as soon as I apply the locks, has the core-self either surrounded by Naad sound or blaring loudly on the right sight of the subtle head. Sometimes it is difficult to ascertain from which direction the sound is originating. Amidst all the mini-explosions of light, the core-self is situated at the back of the head meditating until the sound slowly fades away to complete silence. What are your thoughts on these particular experiences?