Comment to 'Video / Economy'
Comment to Video / Economy
  • Very good classroom lesson of 11th grade history in France (as per my experience) and as known in the US system, social studies or world history. It seems to me that only at the college level do American learners get into the details of protectionism and the devastating consequences it had in modern history to the point of implications in both world wars. Invariably it created recessions, followed by wealth distribution crisis which in turn creates social tensions that push nations to the edge.

    Ultimately, as a result of the lack of confidence in the economic financial tools, as evidenced by the dipping by 600 points a few days ago, right after his insulting his own nominee Fed Chair Jerome Powell, and also as per his usual instincts, digging with additional tariffs on China. 

    So, we are looking at yet another high government officer’s replacement (with the expected loss of knowledge and momentum), and so continues the systematic degradation and collapse of the governing institutions, as well as deregulation of the global economy, deglobalization and global depression, as each country defensively ducks behind its “walls”.

    Global bear market (a conservative one, in terms of risk assessment and taking), weaker dollar, capital flight outside the US, towards more productive and emerging markets shaping up high-tech industry (not coal, lol) will create an economic malaise or deflation as this egghead puts it. In the past, these conditions created a balancing response that was to stimulate the economy through the war machine towards a reflation, as there will be creation of jobs and investment in the manufacturing of armament, (and following rebuilding efforts) as well as deployment of the productive forces in mandatory military draft, instead of having to create employment for them in other sectors. 

    Anyways, the big orange elephant in the world must be talked about in this climate, on different levels, otherwise the discussion is incomplete because the current  circumstance are completely other than anything normal or previously experienced, and they span over every aspect of life. After the speculative market crash by 600 pts just on his tweets in regards to the tariffs on China, now he has to desperately try to beg China to get himself out of an non-qualifiable error, considering any and all levels of the US presidency and even less than that. 

    When you can be told by a US journalist at the G7 international meeting that what you just said is a lie! No wonder the doesn’t like them following him. But then to be fact checked by Fox News regarding that same statement, about none other than his imaginary nemesis Obama! There may not be a constitutional crisis in the US or one that is considered without complacently, but there is an international crisis that has been visible at the G7; how to manage this individual and get some work done.

    He didn’t ratify the Mexico and Canadian Trade Acts not because he lacked the experience to know that he had to do so while in control of both houses, as stated in the discourse. That presumes that the man is capable of learning, he isn’t. It is important to realize this, his condition is worsening. He doesn’t have the organizational qualities, much less the political ones it takes to muster such maneuvers, never had, and never will. He is set in his ways, and would be better playing with his grandkids if he knows how to play.Meanwhile important issues all around from every corner are lurking their heads, and no concern over them in the least, instead more idiocies and looney tunes, and nationally scandals and controversies.