Comment to 'Toy Soldiers on the Move'
  • Very interesting image!

    It shows how the world has changed and transparent it became.

    There is another saying: "History doesn't repeat itself, Man repeats"

    Back 30-40 years ago, when such invasion happens it would weeks or months to even know the war has started. But today the spectators know more than what the performers know about themselves.

    Back in the day, the rhetoric used to win in the UN, today data-driven rhetoric is going to win in the UN. People used to talk rubbish in the UN for 10 hours straight and escape, today it is not going to happen.

    Already Switzerland, a dead neutral country has imposed sanctions on Russia. That's a start, can't imagine what other nations are going to come up with.

    In long run, Russia might be leaned out by sanctions and airspace restrictions. That can lead to a self-dependent country like Iran but Russia doesn't have that religious attachment that Iran has.

    If Putin comes out of this diplomatic quagmire by deliberations, he hit 2 mangos in one stone. 

    Also, a good lesson learned, Ukraine should not have given its nuclear weapons back to Russia in 1994. 

    Russia, Britain, and the US have all promised none of the nations would use force or threats against Ukraine and all would respect its sovereignty and existing borders and Iron-clad security against the threat. The Memorandum of 1994 is still there and all are spectating.

    A deterrence is gone.