Comment to 'Air Conditioning and Yoga'
  • Yes, it is indeed notable that warmer air or digestible does support a relatively quicker digestive process.


    When I initially met RishiDeva for the first time in Florida and stayed in his company for a week, I recall sharing that I had difficulty processing food at times, and adding that I happen to have low digestive fire (agni). Being born in August I used to think back then that I am just a summer type of fellow. Rishi further explained that it also depends on the species I transmigrated through. At the time that sort of reasoning seemed, hmm interesting and different.


    A bird came to mind when he so said, as such would be most akin in terms of IBS (irritable bowels). Eventually, years later I posted this dream where I was in a nest and remember the mother bird... Thankfully with a proper diet and getting to practice more and over the years, this is no longer an issue, as it used to afflict me.


    My mother was staying with me from West Africa, for a couple months and she always drinks a large glass of tepid water in the morning in order to start the day of with a bowel movement, that is her cure for constipation and she swears by it. To my knowledge her father also religiously practiced this morning habit.


    Agreeably people tend to sleep more and better in A/C environment. That relates to our natural faculties for having used hibernation in previous lives. This behavior is farther expanded in the tendency of folks who stay indoors, away from the sun and put on fat.


    Hibernation would be from Latin hiberna, Spanish invierno and French hiver. So this tendency to put on fat, by bringing the digestive process to a reduced rate is used by animal nature in northern regions during those cold, sun deprived months. So the animal simply sleeps in on and on, until the weather again is conducive to more activity as it is warmed by the sun rays.


    The so-called couch potatoes among us are simply in an induced hibernation state whereby they are sheltered from the sunlight and or vitamin D(3) (even in its synthetic form). They then put on weight and will tend to be depressed, as the mind is less active as well. Contrary to people in tropical regions who enjoy much sunshine, tend to remain leaner and active year round; and animals there as far as I know do not hibernate.


    However, some of those folks can afford to adopt a Western lifestyle living in AC homes and cars as well as managing to avoid the sun, in those cases they also copy the corresponding characteristics of their Western counterparts.