Comment to 'Dance of Kundalini-1: Kundalini vs Time '
  • Thanks, Marcia for your wishes.

    "Prana leads the way" is borrowed from Michael's books, not mine. But I am a testament to it too. 

    Your question on why raise Kundalini when prana itself can clean the system? is a powerful one and you opened the door for the distinction. Michael's answer was "yes, the prana can clean but not all grades of pollutants, higher grade pollutant needs high grade energy like kundalini". These and other psychic events and your leg kundalini events, when base chakra slips down to your feet one day, were all testament to your deep practice, these gave confidence thru the journey.

    And I am also still learning on this Kundalini subject, I still annoy Michael with very basic or distinction-type questions on it. 

    Patanjali advises against the doubt energy and Michael's answers are like the fire to clean this doubt energy within our psyche. Also, I like the tennis match like volleying the Q & As between you guys. It sets fire to many of the doubt energy in my psyche and also questions I could not even frame properly or dare to ask or does not even arise to ask in the first place?

    Your posts from 2010-2013 were used as learning in 2021-2022, a decade later. Especially, stomach down lock from one of your notes made a big difference. Who thought a decade later, someone might find your notes very useful. 

    Also, your post on the arrow in the chest region, the poetry of Buddha was so fresh and one of my favorites... The grace of God and gurus, I got to see it.