Comment to 'President Trump's Subtle Sex Life'
  • So an issue is that it is only a so called subtle (sex life) in this case as Mr. Trump isn’t subtle about it. By that, a naturally conspicuous situation is made evident, and seen for what it is in the obviously manifested reality, grotesque and abominable. By repressing within the subconscious all is keep orderly.


    The interesting thing is that a lot (not necessarily all) of what Donald Trump does has been done before. A major difference is that he speaks his mind and is in a position to do so; he is a straight shooter they also say. This is a refreshing quality and will get the attention of many.


    We are naturally deceitful, as I have gathered this is essential to the sense of survival. Mr. Trump actually I add simply lacks filter, an aspect of his impulsiveness. Filter is what allows us to refrain from saying what is really in our minds, when not convenient or appropriate. It is a learned and reinforced behavior in the formative years.


    So in that sense D. Trump actually expresses what others may also be lusting, but would never let a soul know about it so to speak. However, in the subtle world invariably folks can get caught with their pants down even though that may not ordinarily be recalled, at least not with sufficient details.


    The limits which apply through morality are actually irrelevant in the subtle dimension. The subtle form is as one might say permanent, as opposed to the physical body. Therefore the same individual will interact with another in reciprocating roles from one life to another, which is a very important aspect of reincarnation to assess.


    So one’s daughter could have been the mother previously or another post that would be indeed inconceivable by any human standard. Yet instincts or behaviors will be felt even though normally never exposed (in actions on the physical side) or revealed in wakeful state, because they represent debasing thoughts.


    Nature simply does not respond to or heed human postures for all our claims of superiority. It did happen, that Arjuna when staying temporarily in the heavenly world was approached romantically or lustfully by his aunt. We may see ourselves above that, nonetheless the stuff is real. It is only and precisely because of the nature of inSelf yoga that I posted above.


    Great yogis have at times stated that as humans we have been around so long and reincarnated so many times that our bones would pile up higher than the tallest mountain or that we likely interacted with just about everyone else out there. We don’t take such hyperbolic statements at face value or accepting their implications could be really flabbergasting, to our sense of social self the true bondage of the core self.


    To that effect please refer to this previous post by RishiDeva Michael Beloved with highlighted segments below: My-son-My-father. It is the other alternative reality, that remains ever elusive to material news of any and all sorts, that may be enjoyed or despised, that simply is; irrespective of humanity's disposition. 


    This discussion is absolutely great in particular because of the suggested follow-up questions. That is the next chapter in this cold book of Nature’s “dirty” secrets. Depicting past life configurations based on current instincts or impulses is one thing, foretelling future relational behaviors or resolutions to human drama requires an even more sensitive insight (into the relationship energy italicized in excerpt below).  


    Mr. Trump is not only affording the news media and the other parties a continuous field day of frenzy feeding into bonanza, his larger than life qualities constitute learning opportunities for the observant ones as well. And perhaps multitudes are learning something on being human and on life and fate, even those who can’t stand him; I suggest all go deeper within themselves.



    Excerpts from the previous post linked above:


    If we adhere only to social relationships which depend on having a certain body in a certain place and time, then we will restrict ourselves to a struggle against time in the effort to keep those relationships over a span of many lives. And of course time will not honor our request and it will result in disappointment and anguish.


    This was one of the principles which Gautama Buddha explained to his attached relatives.


    Material nature is flexible and with it, I might have a father-to-son relationship with an entity in one life and then a son-to-grandfather relationship with the same entity in another life. So which is which?


    From the spiritual angle, am I the person’s father or son?


    One way to look at this is to consider all relationships as being flexible and to feel that there is a potential for any type of relationship with anyone else. The relationship energy can take any form, one might surmise.

    However even though that assumption may work in the material social world, it won’t do in the spiritual social situations.