Comment to 'Dream Yoga as Science?'
  • Therefore the difference between empirical or experiential science and applied sciences. And, in between there are several scientific domains. Applied sciences typically receive a biased favorable consideration given the fact that are set to lead to tangible beneficial outcome for society, they are contained within the umbrella of pure sciences. They take advantage of a long standing traction of discovery, invention, research, etc.


    However, the concept of science can be far broader. The same scientific methodology of observation, gathering of data, analysis and reproduction of results within a particular context as set by the performers/ observers can be applied to a variety of disciplines. That will be classified under empirical sciences, and allows for data that is noted from sensory input as well as other naturalistic behaviors. 




    Within the larger definition of science, kundalini yoga might very well have a leg to stand on. Practitioners of the discipline would need to define the parameters they deem would allow the phenomena of life force to manifest, describe the phenomena, and then obtain from different individuals to experience the phenomenon and describe as they have experienced it. This only needs to be able to be repeated with sufficient consistency in order to allow for adequate documentation, investigation, analysis, methodologies, and conclusions.


    The result of practice might be considered subjective from the stand point of the senses of an exterior observer, but they are real to the practitioner and not mere imagination or fantasy. Even though the content of dreams can be considered too elusive for scientific documentation the different phases of dreaming are scientifically documented. By the same token the symptoms of the arousal of the life force can be documented, not to say that such endeavor is worth a yogi’s time and application.


    Surely the so called awakening of life force that is the talk of the day online and all around doesn’t qualify for any scientific measurement. But the particular yoga as discussed in this post does have very encouraging qualities to qualify for scientific validation, not to imply that such is needed or even wanted. Still, I can’t see how this applies to dream yoga as only “ a psychological process resulting in transit to and insight into higher dimensions”.


    Furthermore there is postiori knowledge regarding brain waves, the general practice of breath infusion alone can yield quantitative data regarding the shift in brain wave activity. That can qualify for a study of selective attention,  an area of needed improvement in the research on meditation, Research_on_meditation. A well-crafted domain of study favors and exceeds scientific theory alone, and the breadth of the practice allows for possibilities, again this may not be dignified usage of yogic procedures strictly speaking.