Comment to 'Islam and Yoga'
Comment to Islam and Yoga
  • Indication for yoga has been stated above in the last paragraph:

    Yoga presents the idea that no matter who is responsible for this mess, you should dig yourself out of this grave. This is a psychic problem not a physical one. Hence the solution must be psychic, which means doing whatever is necessary to increase psychic perception by mental and emotional adjustments in the psyche.As we came to know ourselves in this body, the situation is physically stressed. For yoga there should be a reduction in physical interest and an increase in psychic reach.”


    Additional comments:

    According to a superficial and complacent rapprochement between external observation of yoga and religious practices, there can appear to be similarities with Islam. In (so-said) yoga we have heard of the sun salutation as Surya namaskar, a greeting to the sun diety. Islam took foot hold in regions where there existed moon worshiping hence the cresent symbol on top of every mosque. The particular details of the postures in the routines were disclosed to the Prophet Mohamed as he was instructed in the manner of the daily prayers by God Allah. Please note that such philosophical joining of  “salah” to yoga postures can be considered blasphemous to a relatively fanatic believer. 


    Regarding meditation as loosely used to designate incantations or introspection, Islam is also as the other wordly religions. Muslims practice tafakkur or also dikhr, but a more widely accessed level is wurd. Observed after prayers Muslims may be seen reciting names of Allah and His so considered last prophet Muhammad, in the same manner as reciting so many Hail Mary’s in Christianity or names of Lord Buddha in Buddhism or names of Lord Siva or other deity in Hinduism. Hindus may count 108 (1+0+8=9, human level, next the perfection of 10) times per rounds, whereas Muslims 99 (9+9= 18, 1+8= 9) count per round on their beads. For a deeper understanding of introspection on the divine in Islam, Suffism is a more direct as well as esoteric form or fraction of the system.